Do you know what is the best part of being with you?
Do you know what is the best part of being with you?
To feel your warm deep inside even without holding your hands.
Do you know what is the worst part of being with you?
To talk foolishly about everything in our every convesation not saying the word running in my head " I love you".
Do you know what is the most exciting part of being with you?
To think same things in the same time and cry and laugh.
To miss you crazily even you are here..
Do you know what is the most painful part of being with you?
To share you with many people even I don't know
To envy childishly everyone beside you, talk with you.
Do you know what is the happiest part of being with you?
To walk with you side by side on the streets with the doubtfulness of to encounter a familiar face
To get wet under the rain persist of the umbrella in my hand.
To wait for you with a wild flower in my hand..
To eat the same food in the same place.
Do you what is the most romantic part of being with you?
to find you in every page of books
To tell things to the moon and stars at nights I can't tell you..
To find you in every pages of book I read, lyrics of songs and poems.
Do you what is the hardest part of being with you?
To imprison my indescribable feelings that I felt for the first time into a boat in the middle of the hope sea cos of the fear of losing you.
To accomplish being friends not lovers for years. To walk barefoot on the sharpest side of the knife. Put my eyedrops not salt on my bleeding heart.
Do you what is the only side affect to be with you?
How can you know?
You were never with me.
If you were with me my hands would had yours..
I wouldn't make up my mind..
Wouldn't miss you when you were by me..
Wouldn't envy..
Wouldn't scare of walking in streets..
Wouldn't get wet under rains..
Wouldn't pour out my problems to the moon and stars, so drunk in every song..
Wouldn't afraid of losing you, would jump from the boat to the sea with my bleeding feet..
And in each strike I would scream your name..
But you were never with me..