Hey every one... I though to post a topic where we can post and found to useful links for learn word or sintax or anything from other languages.
For example:
This is my most used link, i used it more for english than other thing, but i know it has many languages. You can look for a word, and it will give you all meaning and example sentences. Also, it has british and american pronuntiation of each work. And it has acronyms as well, and that is so useful, specially for chat (example: dunno->i don't know, cu -> see you, etc).
This is one of the most completed irregular verbs table of english i found till now:
And the best reference of my language is "Real Academia Española", they say how to use the language, they accept or not slang words of spanish. And for each verbs it has a completed table of conjugation.
So who are learnign spanish, it could be useful.
Okey... If somebody know more pages like this, that could be nice for others, just post it. Thank you to all