Serbian to English?

Thread: Serbian to English?

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  1. Eimaikoukla16 said:

    Default Serbian to English?

    Sanja Ðorđević

    Plati cigane

    Nisam znala s kim zivim
    i postelju djelim
    sad kad znam da covjek nisi
    vise te ne zelim

    Refren 2x
    Plati Cigane da ti sviraju
    casti konobare da ti serviraju
    kupi prijatelje koji su kao ti
    o mene nikada ne mozes imati

    Nisam znala gdje me nosi
    ova ljubav s tobom
    sad kad bolje vidim ko si
    ja ti kazem zbogom

    Refren 2x

    Refren 2x
  2. jade79 said:


    pay a gipsy

    i did not know whom i am living
    and with whom i share my bad
    now that i see you are not a man
    i donīt want you any more

    pay a gipsy to play for you
    honor waiters for serving you
    buy friend witch are like you
    but my you canīt have any more

    i did not know where it leads me
    this love with you
    now that i better see who you are
    i tell you good bye

    sorry if its not perfekt, its all i have learne in the last 7 month.....
  3. milijana's Avatar

    milijana said:


    Pay gypsies

    I didn't know with whom I live and share bed
    Now that I know that you are not a man
    I don't want you anymore

    Refrain 2x
    Pay gypsies to play for you
    tip waiters to serve you
    buy friends who are like you
    but you can never have me

    I didn't know where this love with you takes me
    Now when I see better who you are
    I'm telling you goodbye

    Bravo Jade79