hi i want to learn spanish language

Thread: hi i want to learn spanish language

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  1. ashwnvjy said:

    Default hi i want to learn spanish language

    hi i want to learn spanish language....can any one help me with websites and android applications to learn spanish in very short period?
  2. SoyPoliglota's Avatar

    SoyPoliglota said:


    Learning any language, not just spanish isn't something that you can do in a short period. If you like Spanish, you can listen to spanish music and watch spanish movies.

    Study Spanish

    That's a site I found, there are many more. But if you think you're gonna learn a language in a month or two, that's just wishful thinking. Besides, it requieres talent and hard work.

    If you really want to learn spanish, I can help you, but if you don't really want it then you shouldn't bother.

    Good luck!
  3. linkin85ale's Avatar

    linkin85ale said:


    i speak spanish too and if you want i can help you just let me know