Late 80's/early 90's Song - possibly British Band and similar style to Carter USM

Thread: Late 80's/early 90's Song - possibly British Band and similar style to Carter USM

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  1. sp1v said:

    Default Late 80's/early 90's Song - possibly British Band and similar style to Carter USM

    I had a self compiled cassette in the late 80's early 90's which I was given by a friend. I am quite certain that one of the other tracks on there was from Dirty Dancing and another may have been Marky Mark's Good Vibrations.

    The song I've been looking for now for over 15 years is similar in style to Carter USM and one or two of the lines go something like this "he's getting a bit uptight (or upset)" then another is "From the fire into the frying pan".

    It's a indie/Brit pop type track from memory not Meatloaf or Mindless Self Indulgence.

    Does anyone recognise the lyrics, can anyone out there help?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. sp1v said:


    Still looking
  3. Mynci said:


    How about Chumbawamba: Nothing knocks me over? The era and style are sort of right but lyrics only half match.
  4. sp1v said:


    Thanks but not that one and still looking.....aaarrrggghhh