I hide my feelings Behind a smile
I hide my pain behind a Rainbow
che vuol dire?ç_ç
I hide my feelings Behind a smile
I hide my pain behind a Rainbow
che vuol dire?ç_ç
Nascondo i miei sentimenti dietro un sorriso
nascondo il mio dolore dietro ad un arcobaleno-
"-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
"-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."
"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
E' la traduzione che hai chiesto.
"-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
"-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."
"Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"