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(you don't really use babe in Albanian so I put 'shpirt' it means like "my soul" but people say it to their girlfriend / boyfriend instead of calling them by their name
bebe = babe
shpirt, tė dua ty,
Unė e di qė ne tė dy jemi tė ndyrshme (me kombėsi) por nėse e njdejmė dashurinė kaq shum, ka mundėsi qė ta kalojmė kėte diferencė midis nesh. Vetėm kam dėshirė qė tė kemi njė marrėdhėnje tė hapur dhe tė kuptuar qė ka njė drejtim tė mirė. Ne do tė pėrpiqemi qė t'ia shpjegojmė dashurinė tonė, tek familijet tona. Me bėrė kėtė, ata do ta kuptojnė qė ne jemi me tė vėrtetė tė lumtur, dhe ashtu njė ēift i lumtur.
this translation is not exact as what you said because somethings would not make sense in Albanian as they do in English so I tried to get the same notion in Albanian, this is the direct translation:
honey, i love you
i know we are different among our nationalities but if we so strongly feel this love, there is a way that we can surpass these differences between us. i only want us to have an open and understanding relationship with a good direction. we will work to help our families understand our love. with doing so, they will understand that we are truly happy and make a happy couple too.
Hope I helped : )