Ukrainian questions

Thread: Ukrainian questions

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  1. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:

    Default Ukrainian questions

    Прiвит Kolbaskina and all.

    I have a simple question about ukrainian language. In my book, a mysterious declination appears and until now there's not explanation. Look the dialogue from the book

    Тарас: Добрий вечiр. Як життя?
    Стiвен: Нормально, дякую. Вiро, познайомся: це мiй друг Стiвен.
    Вiра: Дуже приемно, Вiра.
    Тарас: О! ... Лiдо, яка зустрiч! Вибач, будь ласка!
    Лiда: Добрий вечiр, Тарасе!

    So Вiра changes to Вiро and Лiда changes to Лiдо . Is it a special case?. If yes, could you explain also when should I use it and what are the rules?

    Дуже дякую!
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  2. TheNuttyOne's Avatar

    TheNuttyOne said:


    She hasn't been around for a while so I'll try:

    That is the vocative case (I think) that has been discussed in the Russian off-topic thread

    posts 68-76
  3. algebra's Avatar

    algebra said:


    Oh thank you very much. Probably the book will teach something about but I was very lazy to run through its 400 pages and look for it.
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    No xenhenhém
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