Originally Posted by
Paul Orhan
I don't do compliments as far as art is concerned 'cos that would be lying to both of us - you the author and me the audience. I only say what I feel...
Honestly, I can't say that I feel great after reading your lyrics but at the same time they have this katharsis effect on me 'cos they speak about things I also experienced along the way and that are still with me no matter how much time has elapsed or how hard I tried to forget...
That time heals our wounds is a major bu.llsh.it to me 'cos it only takes a sec sometimes to open the wound again... And yes - you made me cry with your words and as you see I'm not ashamed to repeat this statement
Warmest regards, Miss Smarty! Keep on doing the good job, baby!
Have you ever heard anything by Julia Fordham (a Brit Artist residing in US)?
I'm asking 'cos your way of expressing yourself has the same emotional quality and temeprature as her own lyrics. And
that means like HUGE PRAISE on my part 'cos she's my total idol! Since 23 years!