16 lines, script flips allowed, diss due 48 hours after both of you post "Check In" in this thread
Rules we established earlier, check the original Battle Tourney Thread for them
16 lines, script flips allowed, diss due 48 hours after both of you post "Check In" in this thread
Rules we established earlier, check the original Battle Tourney Thread for them
Live a good, noble life and pay no attention as to whether gods exist. If they are just, they will judge you for your virtuous life, not your worship.
Oh hell yeah Molo.
Im checked in.
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo. ****IN PUMPED FOR THIS ****
"What we think, we become." Buddha
Glad to battle u
1 <3
Molo, if I'm nuttin in your cheek, its like from shitted on to chiq, so ima offer my critique
You cant spit so might as well swallow, use your lips and clean up like a towel
Your gonna have to learn to give your own cat a bath,
cause i wouldnt lick it even if you payed for a cab and half
When I climb the mountain with a celtic (kell-tic not sell-tic) hue, I descend with lines from a higher altitude
God-like in my rappin, my 4-4's come out flashin while im smashin the b!thches swaggin in my kitchen
Candy bars finger lickin, you an empty rapper that roadside warriors not even pickin
Sold your candy to some kiddies, and now they b!thcin like diddy after biggy
Even my swag in reverse is flyer than a horse in a hearse
I mean, its been holdin your teeth together since I first started this verse
The dentist said dentures, but gummin's more your type of lecture
Slap your artifacts on the table, and when I'm curlin em, you'll be like the horse mentioned earlier
This last verse is like crashin the hearse, damaging the deceased lookin like Earl fitted in the fleece
I know your dead but you woulda been sleeping regardless, sandman flow leavin lames lethargic
Alliteration aside you dont have to worry about puttin away your pride
Cause I burnt it black from its original ty-die
Last edited by Tre_fly; 08-25-2011 at 01:36 PM. Reason: SWAG
"What we think, we become." Buddha
Just a few word play notes..
"my 4-4's come out flashin"- 16 lines, 4x4/also guns obviously
"Candy bars finger lickin, you an empty rapper that roadside warriors not even pickin"- The candy bar thing is obvious.. Roadside warriors as in goodie-two-shoes that clean the highway of trash, but also is meaning b!tches that suck in my way of the road of rap ahha
"flyer than a horse in a hearse"- Dead horse=lots of flys
"its been holdin your teeth together since I first started this verse"- swag backwards is "gaws" which sounds like gauze, which is an adhesive for dentures.
"gummin's more your type of lecture"- Molo would rather give someone a no teeth blowjob than talk
"Slap your artifacts on the table"- old b!tches teeth
"Earl fitted in the fleece"- EARL SWEATSHIRT known for his violent rapping style
"I know your dead but you woulda been sleeping regardless, sandman flow leavin lames lethargic"- the f4ckin reason im writing this out, because b1tches sleep on sh1t. smh
"Alliteration aside you dont have to worry about puttin away your pride
Cause I burnt it black from its original ty-die"- Molo's a f4ckin homo.
--Btw Molo, you know its good fun
"What we think, we become." Buddha
Live a good, noble life and pay no attention as to whether gods exist. If they are just, they will judge you for your virtuous life, not your worship.
Tre. nice drop this is going to be a nice battle I can feel it. But you know as well as I do, Don't count her out. You know whats comming. Molo your up....girl.
Peace Love Empathy
i refuse to vote.. this is not no free style. this is stupid sheet. try battling me in real life
Damn....Steveo I Do I sense sour resentment? W*F dawg. Don't be that way man. your better than that.
I thought you did well. I can understand free styles and all that jazz. but even the best bring out there worse talent
when they go off the dome.Hell even Eminem wrights **** down. I've heard him recycle his own arsenal more than once.
this is about respect anyway. Atlease with me it is. I respect you and everyone eles at ATL.
Peace Love Empathy
Light is faster than sound so you look smart until u speak
I'mma last for now just until you realise you are too weak
U got a superiority complex towards the other sex callin' me a ho
Yet ur inferiority shows, I guess ur ex didn't wanna blow ?
No chance son, u think u strong minded but u can't pass me even if u push me
Like a tampon, you're long-winded, nasty and your origin is pxssy
So hold it, 'cuz you're just hanging around like Saddam Hussein
I'm so explosive, this is my thang, now call me Mama Butane
Eventhough I got Twitter, a bxtch like you can't follow me, ya see
I'm a hitter and you dig it, I spit while YOU swallow, T-R-E
Fly is MY middle name, I march over tracks on my slippers
I'm that little dame that marks the facts and u're slippin'
'Cuz smooth is how I do, true skill comes without effort
June, SBU, the whole crew, (Re)Who will recognize I'm the expert ?.
U played with fire, got burned and I'm here to extinguish your recital
My turn's over so let's see who'll relinquish the title
1 <3
I don't like to explain my lines, but since everybody seems to do it, I will too.
Yet ur inferiority shows, I guess ur ex didn't wanna blow ?
Referring to what Tre said: "gummin's more your type of lecture"-
Like a tampon, you're long-winded, nasty and your origin is pxssy
Tre keeps on rapping even if it doesn't make sense, the rest of the sentence is clear I guess
I'm that little dame that marks the facts and u're slippin'
'Cuz I'm too smooth (check next line for explanation)
June, SBU, the whole crew, (Re)Who will recognize I'm the expert ?.
(Re)Who refers to Who, but also just means who, so it could either be a question or a statement.
The rest is pretty clear I guess. If it isn't, you can ask.
@ Tre, I know, it's all good![]()
1 <3
Tre and Molotova you both posted amazing peices and it is near impossible to choose for me.
But im going to give Molotova a vote, good ryhmes guys nd gals
My vote's with Tre.
Ρεμπέτικο για πάντα. Μάγκες είμαστε.
I'm gonna give my vote to Mama Butane....
Tre gave me the full run down on his lines which is why i posted that vid
This was a good battle, both of you came hard
I vote for Tre
Live a good, noble life and pay no attention as to whether gods exist. If they are just, they will judge you for your virtuous life, not your worship.
Wow! both came harder than Peter north. lol
you two ripped each other apart.
I don't care to see breakdowns...I like what i read and vote off of that.
my vote goes to molo. she fliped it back extreamly well, even though I wish I could say tie.
good battle both of you. much respect....
Peace Love Empathy
Both were excellent. Close battle. Molotova was really smooth and well structured but I vote for Tre. Deft technical bars and wordplay.
Somebody please vote. We need two more votes and this shxt is holding up the tournament 'cuz round 2 can't continue as long as we don't have a winner for this battle.
1 <3
I vote for Molo
Brain is athletic, I let it run
I'm a complete outsider here but I vote for Molotova also. Nice lines.