Shams Ensemble - Sarebana

Thread: Shams Ensemble - Sarebana

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    afsaneh said:

    Default Shams Ensemble - Sarebana

    LYRICS: A Sonnet of Molaanaa (Rumi) from Divaan-e Shams
    Shams Ensemble (iranian group)
    Group's leader: Keikhosro Pournazeri
    Sa'd Aabaad Palace concert

    Saarebaan-aa oshtoraan bin ------------- O cameleer look at the camels
    Sar be sar ghataar mast -------------------- one by one, a drunk caravan
    Mir mast o khaaje mast o ----------------- the lord is drunk and the master is drunk and
    Yaar mast aghyaar mast ------------------- the beloved is drunk and the rivals are drunk

    Baaghebaan-aa baaghebaan-aa ---------------------- O gardener, o gardener
    Ra'd motreb abr saaghi gasht o shod ---------------- thunder became a minstrel, cloud became a cupbearer and
    Baagh mast o raagh mast o ---------------------------- the garden became drunk and the meadows became drunk
    Ghonche mast o khaar mast --------------------------- the bud is drunk and the thorn is drunk

    Mir mast o khaaje mast o ----------------- the lord is drunk and the master is drunk and
    Yaar mast aghyaar mast ------------------- the beloved is drunk and the rivals are drunk

    Aasemaan-aa chand gardi ------------------------- O sphere, while circulating
    Gardesh-e onsor bebin ----------------------------- watch the circulation of the elements
    Aab mast o baad mast o --------------------------- the water is drunk and the wind is drunk
    Khaak mast o naar mast --------------------------- the earth is drunk and the fire is drunk

    Haal-e soorat in chonin o ----------------------------- this is the way of the appearance and
    Haal-e ma'ni khod mapors --------------------------- don't ask the way of meaning
    Rooh mast o aghl mast o ----------------------------- the soul is drunk and the mind is drunk
    Vahm mast asraar mast ------------------------------- illusion is drunk, secrets are drunk

    Gar to raa kubi resad ---------------------------------- if something troubled you
    az raftan-e mastaan maranj -------------------------- don't be bothered by the drunk's leaving
    baa chonaan saaghi o motreb ----------------------- with that cup-bearer and minstrel
    key ravad hamvaar mast? ---------------------------- how can being drunk be easy?

    Shams-e Tabriz-i be dor-at -------------------------- O Tabrizi Shams, around you
    Hich kas hoshyaar nist -------------------------------- nobody is sober,
    Kaafer o mo'men kharaab o ------------------------- the pagan and the pious are ruined
    Zaahed o khammaar mast---------------------------- the ascetic and the vintner are drunk

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    Last edited by afsaneh; 05-10-2014 at 06:36 AM.