Originally Posted by
Frankie Jasmine
The song's like a freight train, to me. It barrells along, as though it is taking your mind along with it. My favorite stanza:
It lays there, waiting
To finally break free again
It can sense all my weaknesses
Created by the emptiness.
Question: Does the end of stanza 2 go directly into the chorus to make a continuous thought/sentence?
Fading out now, I’ve gone numb
Caving in to the voice that has become
A self-inflicted genocide to my mind
Every thought I have it always finds
Broken down, my mind infected
Broken down, ‘cause the stranger wrecked it
This barrelling train, though, seems to run out of steam at the end. Is this how you want the end to be--that The Stranger Inside wears you down to a crawl? Or do you want there to be a final rush or final conflict or final big resolution? For me, that is what I'm missing in the end.
I like your song, the rhythm keeps going well most of the way through. . . . Somehow this isn't expressing all I like about it; nor the tweak here or there on a couple lines. Because I do like it, I am perhaps giving too much feedback.