Look Into Your Eyes

Thread: Look Into Your Eyes

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  1. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:

    Default Look Into Your Eyes

    Have you ever seen an angel
    Have you ever seen the sky
    In the middle of the night
    When the stars shine bright
    Have you ever felt the pain
    Of a life gone slain
    Of a family torn
    Apart by one
    Just open up your eyes
    And see what you find
    You never really know
    Until you try
    To see beyond the scars
    To see beyond the lies
    Just look into your eyes
    And see what you find

    You're drunk and you stumble
    You fall to the ground
    Get picked up by the cops
    And they turn you around
    And place you In jail
    Where you belong
    But you can change
    You can change
    Just open up your eyes
    And see what you find
    You never really know
    Until you try
    To see beyond the scars
    To see beyond the lies
    Just look into your eyes
    And see what you find

    All this time you've been given
    And you still don't change
    What are you missing
    In your messed up brain
    Do you see your family crying
    Do you hear your sons scream
    Look at all that pain
    And think about what you see
    Just open up your eyes
    And see what you find
    You never really know
    Until you try
    To see beyond the scars
    To see beyond the lies
    Just look into your eyes
    And see what you find
    Just look into your eyes
    And see what you find
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    What can I say that I haven't already said about your songwriting?only that I'm a fan and always read and comment when you write something good,which is most of the time.you and James "LookinGlass" are two of my favorite writers on this site.But,I've got a new muse,so I'll be writing some new ones soon!I know you'll watch for them and I know you'll tell me what you think.I think this last one;Look Into Your Eyes is top notch!when I can hear a melody,in my head,by just reading lyrics,it's a great tune,in my eyes.Another home run,hit out of the park!
  3. Johnb31's Avatar

    Johnb31 said:


    Thank you Doug it means a lot to hear or rather read what you said your comments and appreciation of my work inspires me to keep writing. If it wasn't for you and a few other people I'm not sure I would still be writing right now. It's tough sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time I feel like my lyrics are running in circles but not really going anywhere. I'm searching for something different for something more that's why I write so much cause I know that somewhere inside of me is a song waiting to come out and I'm gonna keep writing until I find that song.
    There is not enough space or time to truly let the song unwind
  4. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    John,I feel your frustration and can only say that writing is good for many reasons.of course,we all like to be acknowledged and appreciated.when someone says they like one of my posts,it really make me feel good.it is difficult to feel you're "doing anything" when your writing gets next to no replies.and it's true,you do sometimes repeat yourself and may one day "boil down a few of them" to make that great song that you touch on,but never completely get in the one Masterpiece you're looking for.don't despair,I try to keep you honest with heart felt criticism.I know exactly what you mean,but I think you have written a few Classics,I know I've told that to you in the past.I don't patronize you,if I like it, I tell you so.if I don't, I remain silent,but that in itself is a critique.I DO READ everything you post.if it's good,I say so.if it's great I let you know.if it's a Masterpiece,I steal it and post it elsewhere as my own!Seriously,John,you would be missed if you left this site.
    Last edited by Doug Denslowe; 09-05-2013 at 11:18 AM.
  5. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Sometime ago I wrote a song called "Have you Seen The Child Who's Been On The Run?",
    it seems to cross lines with this one of yours.
    It is sad with a certain amount of anger too. Inevitably necessary as you are the witness.
    Excellent as always.