بروحلك by Marwa Nasr

Thread: بروحلك by Marwa Nasr

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  1. aspwow said:

    Red face بروحلك by Marwa Nasr

    Salam Alaykum,I am particularly grateful to you.
    Thanks a lot for Angel Hero,God bless for you!
    I'm looking for the Translation For this love song:
    Last edited by aspwow; 06-02-2015 at 08:36 PM.
  2. Ahmed's Avatar

    Ahmed said:


    بروحلك كنت
    I go to you when…(I used to run to you)
    وانا خايفة عشان ارتاح
    ...I am afraid so I would be comfortable
    وتعرف كنت تسمعني
    And you know, you were listening to me…
    وانا باحكي
    ...while I am telling you.
    يا اكتر حد من قلبي ضحكت معاه
    You are the most one, I laughed from all my heart with! (you are the only one I laughed with from all my heart)
    في حضنك نفسي زي زمان
    In your arms (embrace) I wish like the old times…
    في يوم ابكي
    …to cry one day

    في بعدك عني مش لاقياني
    In your distance (absence) I can’t find myself…
    ليه يا سنين
    …for years!
    بموت يا حبيبي
    I am dying O’ My love
    وهاموت بس في الحالتين
    And I will die (valar morghulis, lol) but in both situations
    بحبك لسه وهاحبك
    I love you and I will love you!
    ومش ممكن
    And it is impossible…
    هاسلم قلبي في غيابك لناس تانين
    To deliver (give, trust) my heart in your absences to other people!

    واحشني وعايشة على حس
    I miss you and I am living on…
    اللي عشته معاك
    …the things (memories, feelings) that I lived with you!
    مخاصمة الدنيا في غيابك
    I am angry with life in your absences (Not in good terms, life is not as good during your absences)
    And it is angry with me (it means life is angry with me)
    وبعدك عني لو بايديا كنت اختار
    And after you, if it was in my hands, I would choose…
    اموت يا حبيبي ولا انك تروح مني
    …to die O’ My love but you won’t be away from me!
    I don't think I miss things. I think to miss something is to hope that it will come back, but it's not coming back.