Hi; I am new to song writing and have a lot to learn so I expect criticism etc....but that will help me learn. I have completed 6 lyrical songs so far and as others am looking for suggestions on improving. Here is one of my first attempts.....I hope it gives someone pleasure and maybe you could write the music to it. Thanks.
I saw you walking in the rain
Think September 10th the day
I'm sure you thanked me for the ride
I dropped you on the road to fame
And forever saw you standing there
My road goes nowhere I can see.
( Chorus)
I'm cold,oh so cold
Alone,all alone
Every tear the same
Cold,oh so cold
Every tear the same
I closed my eyes to see your face
Memories flood to fill the space
A haunting of you by my side
Walking stride to stride
You rocked that stage by another name
And when you sang that song ...and looked at me
You wrapped my heart in chain.
I'm Bone,skin and bone
Alone,all alone
Every tear was pain
Bone,skin and bone
Every tear was pain
I've watched your life through all these years
Drowned myself in homemade fears
Mistakes were made and shamed with pride....our pride
Then the end of life it came
Running much to fast in pace
Colors of the future just seemed drained.
I'm Stone, dust and stone
Alone,all alone
Every tear your blame
Stone,dust and stone
Every tear your blame.
My heart is mostly mended now
(Ex)cept for that special part
Of which I have just one that I could give.
A coward caught up in his tracks
With no place to left hide.
And the torrid love they saw as tame
One deep wound kept bleeding through.............
You never knew my name.
(Chorus 4)
I'm old,now grown old
Alone,all alone
Every tear remains
Old, now grown old
Every tear remains
Each time your song is played
You dance from the grave
My life lingers still.......
Cold,oh so cold
Bone,skin and bone
Stone,dust and stone
Old,now grown old