Thug mi sùil thar a' bhealach `~ I looked to the hill
Thug mi 'n sealladh ud bhuam ~ Looked yonder
Fheuch a faicinn mo leannan ~ For any sign of my lover
Tighinn dhan bhaile san uair ~ Coming to town
Fhir a dh'òladh an tocsaid ~ He who'd drink the hogshead
'Sa chostadh a luach ~ And earn its worth
'S math thig bonaid ghorm dhathte ~ A blue bonnet looked well
Air cùl bachlach nan dual ~ On his curly hair

B'fheàrr gu faicinn a nuas thu ~ Oh to see you coming
'S do ghruaidh mar an ròs ~ With your rosy cheeks
Is d'anail mar ubhlan ~ Breath like apples
'S do chùl mar an t-òr ~ And golden hair
Do bheul tha dearg tana ~ Your narrow red lips
'S blas na meal' air do phòig ~ Kisses like honey
Gura gìomanach eal' thu ~ You the hunter of the swan
Agus lach air an lòn ~ And the wild duck on the loch

Gura h-èibhinn gach àit' ~ Clan Neill brought pleasure
'Sam biodh pàirt de Chlann Nèill ~ To any place
Gura h-uasal gach òigear ~ Every noble young man
Leis an òlte am fìon ~ Among them who'd drink wine
Air chairtean ag iomairt ~ Playing cards
Gun mhionnan gun strì ~ Without swearing or fighting
Gur ann làmh riutha shuidhinn ~ I'd gladly sit by them
Is gu leiginn mo sgìos ~ And take my rest

Gura bòidheach, gura bòidheach ~ How beautiful, how beautiful
Gura bòidheach na lòin ~ How beautiful is the sight of the lochs
Gura bòidheach an t-aonach ~ How beautiful is
Air an sgaoileadh an ceò ~ The misty moorland
Gura bòidheach an Losaid ~ How beautiful is the Lossit
'S Baile Ghrobain na còir ~ And Ballygrogan before it
Gura bòidheach Ceann Loch ~ How beautiful is Campbeltown
Far'm bith mo sheachd rùn ag òl ~ Where my love is wont to drink

Dè nam biodh tu mar shionnach ~ How would it be if you were like the fox
Air an tulaich ud thall ~On the hillock yonder
Agus mise mar eala ~ And I like the swan
Air bharraibh nan tonn ~ On the crest of the wave
Naile, rachainn nad' choinneamh ~ I would go to you
Is mheallainn thu leam ~ And entice you away
Lùb ùr a' chùil chlannaich ~ Young man of the curly hair
Ort-s' tha m'anam an geall ~ My soul is promised to you

A Dhòmhnaill nan Dòmhnall ~ Oh Donald of the Donalds
Sùil mhòghair ad' cheann ~ With your gentle eye
Rìgh, gur math thig dhuit triubhais ~ Lord, how well the trousers suit you
Dhol a shiubhal nam beann ~ Going to hunt in the hills
'S cha mhios' thig dhuit stocainn ~ No worse the hose
Bròg shocair 'si teann ~ Or a well-fitting shoe
'S tric a laigh mi ri d' thaobh ~ Often have I lain by your side
'S ann leam a b'aobhach bhi ann ~ It is where I would be now