Natacha – Sorry to English please

Thread: Natacha – Sorry to English please

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  1. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:

    Default Natacha – Sorry to English please

    Hello to all

    Please translate this for me.
    At least it's a little shorter than the others I've posted for translation,
    although that might not really make it easier.

    Natacha – Sorry

    Louf mir itz nid drvo - u los mir itz ändlech zue
    Ou wes weh tuet - gloub mir - äs isch itz gnue

    Rächt het niemmer - scho klar
    Aber das isch mir egau - äs mues itz eifach si

    Sorry - das I - itze nümm bi Dir cha bliibe
    Sorry - wiu I dir nie gseit ha - wie`s würklech um mi steit
    Sorry - für das - I di trotzdäm no tue liebe

    Mängi ändlosi Nacht - ganz ellei im grosse Bett
    U ä Nachricht vo Dir - du tänksch nume no a mi

    Geng probiere obs doch - irgendwie no wytergeit
    (Aber) itze ische`s gseit
    Last edited by Macbard; 06-13-2009 at 12:26 PM. Reason: correction
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.
  2. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I've marked the two things where I am not so sure

    Louf mir itz nid drvo - u los mir itz ändlech zue
    Ou wes weh tuet - gloub mir - äs isch itz gnue

    Rächt het niemmer - scho klar
    Aber das isch mir egau - äs mues itz eifach si

    Don't run away from me now - and finally let me have a go
    Even if it hurts - believe me - it's enough now

    Nobody's right - alright
    But for that I don't care - it has to be now

    Sorry - das I - itze nümm bi Dir cha bliibe
    Sorry - wiu I dir nie gseit ha - wie`s würklech um mi steit
    Sorry - für das - I di trotzdäm no tue liebe

    Sorry that I can't stay with you now
    Sorry because I never told you what I am really up to
    Sorry that I nevertheless love you

    Mängi ändlosi Nacht - ganz ellei im grosse Bett
    U ä Nachricht vo Dir - du tänksch nume no a mi

    Geng probiere obs doch - irgendwie no wytergeit
    (Aber) itze ische`s gseit

    In some endless nights - all alone in the huge bed
    And a message from you - you still think of me

    Lets try if it could go on somehow
    (But) now it's over
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  3. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    In some endless nights - all alone in the huge bed
    And a message from you - you still think of me

    Lets try if it could go on somewhere
    (But) now it's over

    Hi Steena, I would have said the same!

    Guats Nächtli! :-)
  4. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Ah, thank you
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  5. Macbard's Avatar

    Macbard said:


    Hi Steena & Tahira

    Many thanks to you both for working on this.

    Have a great day, Macbard
    Wenn man dem Hass freien Lauf läßt, wird er die Seele von innen zerstören.