Hello all,
I am looking for lyrics to the song "Ti dadov se" by Area as well as the translation.
Hello all,
I am looking for lyrics to the song "Ti dadov se" by Area as well as the translation.
Дали не те познавам / Dali ne te poznavam / Don't I know you?
Дали си илузиjа / Dali si iluzija / Are you an illusion?
Дали таков си отсекогаш / Dali takov si otsekogas / Are you such one all the time?
Ноква е пеколна / Nokva e pekolna / Tоnight is as in hell
Мисли не ме слушаат / Misli ne me slusaat / My minds don't listen to me
Солзи не ме пуштаат да заспиjам / Solzi ne me pustaat da zaspijam / My tears don't leave me alone to sleep
Од земja се одвоjувам / Od zemja se odvojuvam / I'm leaving the ground
Сонот ми се срушува / Sonot mi se srusuva / My dream is tearing apart
Кога сакам да полетам / Koga sakam da poletam / When I want to fly
Сонот ми наjавува / Sonot mi najavuva / My dream is imaging to me
Сонот ми покажува / Sonot mi pokazuva / My dream is showing to me
Ме предаваш, ме предаваш / Me predavas, me predavas / That you're betraying me, you're betraying me
Jас за тебе направив баш се / Jas za tebe napraviv bas se / I did everything for you
Губиш се како што е ред / Gubis se kako sto e red / You're losing yourself, as you used to do
Доволно, доволно е / Dovolno, dovolno e / Enough, it's enough
Не храни ме повеке / Ne hrani me poveke / Don't feed me anymore
Ти дадов се / Ti dadov se / I gave you everything
Ново утро ми се случува / Novo utro mi se sluciva / It's a new morning happens for me
Мене ме воскреснува / Mene me voskresnuva / It resurrects me
Како да заборави / Kako da zaboravi / It seems it forgot
На друга страна те остави / Na druga strana te ostavi / And leave you at the other side
Денот ме прегрнува / Denot me pregrnuva / The day is embracing me
Нов век, нов милениум / Nov vek, nov milenium / A new century, a new millennium
Уште 1000 години се пред нас / Uste 1000 godini se pred nas / Another 1000 years are in front of us
Само заборави ме / Samo zaboravi me / Just forget me
Само заборави ме / Samo zaboravi me / Just forget me
Заборави ме / Zaboravi me / Forget me
Ти заборави ме / Ti zaboravi me / You forget me
Денот ми наjавува / Denot mi najavuva / The day is imaging to me
Денот ми покажува / Denot mi pokazuva / The day is showing to me
Изчезнуваш, изчезнуваш / Isceznuvas, isceznuvas / You're disappearing, you're disappearing
Jас за тебе направив баш се / Jas za tebe napraviv bas se / I did everything for you
Губиш се како што е ред / Gubis se kako sto e red / You're losing yourself, as you used to do
Доволно, доволно е / Dovolno, dovolno e / Enough, it's enough
Не храни ме повеке / Ne hrani me poveke / Don't feed* me anymore
Ти дадов се / Ti dadov se / I gave you everything
Не храни ме повеке = Literally - Don't feed me anymore; It means - Don't give me hope anymore
Last edited by Athanatos; 10-05-2010 at 08:42 AM.
Allow me offer corrections to the following lines:
Дали таков си отсекогаш / Dali takov si otsekogas / Have you been like that forever?
Ноква е пеколна / Nokva e pekolna / The night is hellish
Мисли не ме слушаат / Misli ne me slusaat /My thoughts don't listen to me
Солзи не ме пуштаат да заспиjам / Solzi ne me pustaat da zaspijam / My tears don't let me fall asleep
Од земja се одвоjувам / Od zemja se odvojuvam / I separate myself off the ground
Сонот ми се срушува / Sonot mi se srusuva / My dream is falling apart
Кога сакам да полетам / Koga sakam da poletam / When I want to take off
Сонот ми наjавува / Sonot mi najavuva / The dream is announcing to me
Сонот ми покажува / Sonot mi pokazuva / The dream is showing me
Губиш се како што е ред / Gubis se kako sto e red / You're losing everything as it is proper
Како да заборави / Kako da zaboravi / As if you forgot
На друга страна те остави / Na druga strana te ostavi / And left you at another side
Не храни ме повеке = Literally - Don't feed me anymore; It means - Don't give me hope anymore
It can mean that but it does not.
Good try at translating from Macedonian, Athanatos. But do keep in mind that songs include nuances and slangs which only native speakers understand.
Thanks and best regards,
Last edited by Milka; 10-16-2010 at 06:11 PM.
Thanks for the correction, Milka.
Of course I can't be so perfect in slangs, as I am not perfect even in some bulgarian dialects like rodope's one
But most of my mistakes are because of my imperfect English, not because I can't understand it in macedonian
But I can't agree with your translation of
Како да заборави / Kako da zaboravi / As if you forgot
Ново утро ми се случува - The subject is "novo utro" (new morning)
Мене ме воскреснува - IT resurrects ME (The singer is the object here)
Како да заборави - and it (the new morning) - as if it forgot
На друга страна те остави - and (it) left you at another side
Нели сум прав?
That is true, it was mostly your English though some mistakes concern Macedonian (e.g., "you are losing everything" vs. "losing yourself").
As for your comment about the sixth verse, you are right. It was my careless mistake, and the correct translation should read: "As if IT forgot" (not "you; the "it" refers to the morning).
Best regards,
Just off topic, I thought Bulgarians and Macedonians spoke the same language. Aren't they both Slavic and why are they different?
The short answer is: Macedonians and and Bulgarians speak different but close languages.
The long answer requires context, both historical and linguistic. It has to do with the fact that the home of what is called "Slavic" -- a misnomer in my judgement -- is Macedonia. From there Slavic spreads elsewhere and develops into national literary languages depending on the socio-political conditions.
As for "why" are they different, that sounds like an odd question. Why are Spanish and Portugese different? Italian and French? Russian and Polish? Linguists can tell you how are the languages different.
Best regards,
Last edited by Milka; 10-22-2010 at 10:42 PM.
Please don't interprete my intention wrong. I just would like to add: For someone whose language differs clearly from the main neighboring languages (like Germanic German from Germanic Danish and English, Slawic Polish and Czech, Romanic French and Italian), for him it can be a little astonishing to see the phenomenon of a Dialect continuum, just as in the case of some Macedonian/Bulgarian/Serbian dialects.
Even though German (especially northern dialects) and Dutch are mainly the same language, most people consider them as distinct languages. Or - contrariwise - think Frisians in Germany speak a kind of German language: just because of the political borders and more than 300 years history. Now - if someone from India (with quite distinct languages within one nation and state) asks why Macedonian and Bulgarian are considered as different languages - this may have a reason. Russian and Polish or Italian and French are not only identified via the linguistic features, but also via the national "image" which is known in average educated people of the Eastern and Western hemisphere. But who in the USA or in Sveden knows about the history of Macedonia and Bulgaria? People in the West thought some years ago, all Yugoslavia would speak one common language. Now each part claims its linguistical autonomy.
What I'm trying to say is: have some patience with us outsiders. Nothing is self-evident and each sign of curiousness can turned into a progress, when treated with care.
I guess, this wont have been for the last time, that this question has been asked here.
"Linguists can tell you how are the languages different. "
In our case, may be we must ask historians?
100 years ago, our two nations are speak the same language (with some dialects, of course).
Bulgarian mistake is, that after Bulgarian liberation from Ottoman Empire, we defined for the official standart language the eastern dialect, spoken in the Veliko Turnovo region. And even today, bulgarian dialects in the different parts of the country are differ one from another.
Today's Macedonian standart language is formed officially from Blaze Koneski after forming the Macedonian nation from the Yugoslav communists.
(Before 1941 Yugoslavia claims Macedonia as South Serbia and didn't recognize macedonian/bulgarian language). Todays Macedonian standart language is full of serbian words, which are not known in Bulgarian part of Macedonia (Pirin Macedonia), nor among the slavic people (macedonians/bulgarians) in Greek Macedonia.
So, todays Bulgarian and Macedonian languages are slightly different, but they are at 99% mutually understandable and there's no problems in communication between people from Macedonia and Bulgaria. (There's no problem in understanding between Bulgarian and Serbian too, but may be at 90%).
I have very comic situation once. In a international group, I speak with a man from Serbia. I speak Bulgarian, he - Serbian. One american watched us in astonishment... "I'm very wondered? YOu speak everyone in his language, and you understand each other???" We say - yes! For the american this was a shock