Andrea Berg – Wrong Places lyrics

Here I am to sing
So tune your ears to me
'Cause when I'm weak
This is how I think

But attention is not why I'm here
But attention is what I want when the devil is near


'Cause I'm looking for love, in all the wrong places
When push comes to shove, I'm looking for love
To make me strong
But what I've found is not enough,
I'm looking for love

And here is my CD
So please support me
And I will take your money gladly
Because I am greedy

But money is not why I'm here
But money is what I want when the devil is near


There's only one who always loves
And there's only one who always loves

So why, whyo do I look for love
In all the wrong places, when push comes to shove
With what I found in the Risen One
I found love

Submitted by Guest