Judybats – Shes Sad She Said lyrics

Falling like leaves from porcelain trees
We break
Shattered by the weight of the fall
Love is Scarlett down the stairs
Pushed or fallen, fallen or shoved
Arching in the air, promised or poisoned
But always loved
Despair versus desire
This game
What loss, what gain?
Whose fault?
Where to blame?
Everything you say to me
STrikes me like a warm disease
Damage is a luxury
Dereliction by degrees
Everything you say to me
Damage is a luxury
Dereliction by degrees
What attracts excites us to the point of distraction- to the edge of dislike
Everything you say to me
Strikes me like a warm disease
Danger is a luxury
Drown me in your darling seas
Saw a horse the other day with one eye and I thought
How nice to see only one side of it all
Love is Scarlett down the stairs
Pushed or fallen, fallen or shoved
Arching through the air, promised or poisoned
But always loved

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