Unto Ashes – Quid Vides lyrics

Quid vides?
Nihil video [sum caecus]
Corpus meum in mare trahebant
Tempus fugit
Horea fugiunt [ex hac terra]
Spes nostrae tolluntur
Quid vos terret?
Tangi, reminiscor
Mihi nihil dedi
Amorem numquam timebam
Dum corpus meum in mare trahebatur

["What do you see?" I see nothing
I'm blind
My body was dragged into
The sea
Time flies
The hours flee
We are fleeing from this world
Our hopes are being destroyed...

"What terrifies you?"
To be touched
To remember
I gave nothing to myself
I never used to fear love
Until my body was being dragged into the sea...]

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