italian song che mangera la sposa?

Thread: italian song che mangera la sposa?

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  1. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:

    Question italian song che mangera la sposa?

    This song is obviously sung around Italy at wedding parties, speedy and entertaining:
    Che mangera la sposa la prima sera?
    Don't have any words. Does anyone know? I heard it in a version of Dodi Moscati in Roma last year.
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    I've never heard about it but I've found this, is the one you're looking for?

    Che mangerà la sposa la prima sera?/ what will the bride eat the first evening?
    Mezzo piccioncin mezzo piccioncin./ a half little pigeon

    Che mangerà la sposa la seconda sera?
    /what will the bride eat the second evening?
    Due tortorin, mezzo piccioncin mezzo piccioncin./ two turtledoves, a half pigeon

    Che mangerà la sposa la terza sera?
    /what will the bride eat the
    Tre colombe e un girasol, due tortorin,/ three doves and a sunflower, two turtledoves
    mezzo piccioncin mezzo piccioncin.
    /a half pigeon

    Che mangerà la sposa la quarta sera?
    /what will the bride eat the fourth evening
    Quattro anatre, tre colombe e un girasol.../ four ducks three doves and a sunflower

    Che mangerà la sposa la quinta sera?
    /what will the bride eat the fifth evening
    Cinque sfoglie di tagliolin, quattro anatre.../ five dough sheets of tagliolini, four ducks

    Che mangerà la sposa la sesta sera?
    /what will the bride eat the sixth evening
    Sei castrati scortichè.../ six skinned capons

    Che mangerà la sposa la settima sera?
    /what will the bride eat the seventh evening
    Sette uccel.../ seven birds

    Che mangerà la sposa l'ottava sera?
    /what will the bride eat the eighth evening
    Otto agnel.../eight lambs

    Che mangerà la sposa la nona sera?
    /what will the bride eat the ninth evening
    Nove galli cantator.../ nine crowing roosters

    Che mangerà la sposa la decima sera?
    /what will the bride eat the tenth evening
    Dieci forme del buon pane per levarsela la fame.../ ten bread's loafs to send away the hunger

    Che mangerà la sposa l'undicesima sera?
    /what will the bride eat the eleventh evening
    Undici botti del buon vino per sciaquarselo il bocchino.../ eleven good wine casks to rinse her mouth

    Che mangerà la sposa la dodicesima sera?
    /what will the bride eat the twelfth evening
    Dodici chili di salame./ twelve kilos of salame
    Last edited by Ligeia; 11-11-2010 at 10:23 AM.
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:

    Cool mille grazie, ligeia

    you seem to find just about anything. I am very happy, as this is a common wedding song in many parts of Italy and thus has many different versions. Great!