sotis volanis _ san to tsigaro ma katastrefis

Thread: sotis volanis _ san to tsigaro ma katastrefis

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  1. kansu said:

    Default sotis volanis _ san to tsigaro ma katastrefis

    hi! would you like to translate sotis volanis 's san to tsigaro ma katastrefis ?
  2. lulu04's Avatar

    lulu04 said:


    Is this song translated anywhere else? Can u let me know please.. Thanks
    Time is tickin' away.
    You gotta live your life day by day.
    Happy or sad, good or bad.
    Life is too short you gotta keep your head.
  3. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Is this it?

    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  4. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    Nice song.
    I couldn´t find the lyrics but the general meaning of the song is:

    Like a cigarette you destroy me
    you do not love me
    you do not feel sorry
    like dust (dirt) you throw me away

    I cannot sleep at night
    my thought are always with you
    I light one cigarette after another
    I go into katstrophy

    You do not answer the telephone
    you don´t care about me
    you don´t care if I live

    Maybe this helpts you a little bit further
  5. lulu04's Avatar

    lulu04 said:


    Yh, that's the one!
    Time is tickin' away.
    You gotta live your life day by day.
    Happy or sad, good or bad.
    Life is too short you gotta keep your head.
  6. lulu04's Avatar

    lulu04 said:


    Thank you very much Tahira! Helps a lot! I was expecting it to be happy but it's kind of depressing. Thanks!
    Time is tickin' away.
    You gotta live your life day by day.
    Happy or sad, good or bad.
    Life is too short you gotta keep your head.