Ode to Quorra's New Life

Thread: Ode to Quorra's New Life

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  1. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:

    Default Ode to Quorra's New Life

    Headlights shine on empty road
    Not fearing what's ahead
    But wondering where the next turn is
    Just guessing where i'm led

    I've laundered out my sins
    and neatly folded up my past
    Piled up all the pieces
    and embraced the pyroclast

    Scorching earth behind me
    Building bridges where i go
    Decrypting all your mysteries
    and writing my own code

    "I'm a bifurcated mess" you said
    But I opened up your mind
    Read you like a book instead
    and loved all i did find

    Wherever i am headed
    I will find you waiting there
    as if you know i've dreaded
    stumbling on the dragon's lair

    That promise that you made me
    When i hear its rumbling wings
    You'll be there to save me
    My bright and shining prince

    Six hundred sixty days
    The sweetest journey of my life
    But living is enigma
    There's no ending to the strife

    That promise that you made me
    When i hear its rumbling wings
    You'll be there to save me
    My bright and shining prince

    The promise that you made me
    When i hear its rumbling wings
    You'll be there to save me
    My bright and shining prince

    ~♥♥~ Happy birthday baby ~♥♥~
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  2. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:


    Thank you
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  3. MoonRide*r*'s Avatar

    MoonRide*r* said:


    Didn't I say "percolated" instead of "bifurcated"? Great job Boo, I love it. As always <33
    (I could say a lot more, but I'm only halfway thru my first cup of coffee.)
    And thank you my sweet.
    There is no glamour in sudden death, and nobody ever wins a war.
    Rockers Unite! =>
    ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame
  4. Teshka's Avatar

    Teshka said:



    someone's post was deleted?? I dont even remember who it was now
    Music is what feelings sound like
    Listen to the Love
  5. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Teshka View Post

    someone's post was deleted?? I dont even remember who it was now
    Probably RickeyJoe
  6. Peter Both said:


    It looks like all RickeyJoe's posts are deleted. (?...)
  7. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Both View Post
    It looks like all RickeyJoe's posts are deleted. (?...)
    Yep. Some rude mail ended up my wall, but it was the wrong adress, don't know who he meant it for,lol.
    Anyways....Moon: (should be tulips I suppose) the happiest birthday, . In Holland birthdays can be celebrated for ten days, so
    I'm just in time Wasn't here much, you see.....sorry...
  8. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Both View Post
    It looks like all RickeyJoe's posts are deleted. (?...)
    I hate wasting Tess' space,but RickeyJoe has been banned,permanently.He's written me asking for his Song Lyrics back,he didn't write them down.He claims it has to do with a "Rap Battle"so,don't ask me what he did!It's sad to see him go,I think he was a breath of fresh air.(And you can take "Fresh"anyway you'd like!)