Fatme Serhan - Ala Warag El Foll

Thread: Fatme Serhan - Ala Warag El Foll

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  1. Yrishka's Avatar

    Yrishka said:

    Question Fatme Serhan - Ala Warag El Foll

    Dear everyone,

    I REALLY need your help. I just LOVE this song of Fatma Serhan called "Ala Warag El Foll"!

    However I would really like to know what the lyrics mean. I love love love this song. I uploaded it here for you:

    Could somebody PLEASE PLEASE listen to the song and write me the lyrics in Arabic (western letters) and a translation?

    I only heard that "Ala Warag el foll dala3ny" means "on arabian jasmin leaves, tender me".

    I so hope somebody can help. I'd be foregever grateful!!

    Thanks a million times,
    Last edited by Yrishka; 06-10-2008 at 06:43 AM.
  2. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:



    Here is the translation that i have found on another forum!

    Ala warag el fol dala'ny - On arabian jasmine leaves..tender me

    ala warag el fol dala'ny: on arabian jasmine leaves..tender me
    ana la helty wala fe wedne: i have nothing
    ella el hala' elle fe wedne: but those earrings on my ears
    ma goltelak yalla nebeoo: i told you..why don't we sell it
    wa ashar ana wayak: and we can spend the night together
    bas dala'ne: but you just tender me...
    ala warag el fol dala'ny: on arabian jasmine leaves..tender me
    ana la helty wala fe sadry: i have nothing
    gher el ooged elle fe sadry: but this necklace around my neck
    ma goltelak yalla nebeoo: i told you..why don't we sell it
    wa ashar ana wayak: and we can spend the night together
    bas dala'ne: but you just tender me...
    ala warag el fol dala'ny: on arabian jasmine leaves..tender me
    ana la helty wala fe sabe'ee: i have nothing
    ella el khatem elle fe sabe'ee: but this ring on my finger
    ma goltelak yalla nebeoo: i told you..why don't we sell it
    wa ashar ana wayak: and we can spend the night together
    bas dala'ne: but you just tender me...

    I have listened to the song and i think that the lyrics aren't complete translated.

    It also says that the song is in Saiedie accent (Upper Egypt language).
  3. Yrishka's Avatar

    Yrishka said:


    Dear Layla,

    yes I have this one from the other forum. However it is not at all complete and I would also need the missing parts. Thanks anyways .

    I hope somebody can still listen to it for me and write down the complete lyrics and translation (or all of the missing parts).

    I'd be really thankful!
  4. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Oh, i didn't know that you already have this part!

    I hope somebody can help you with the rest!
  5. Yrishka's Avatar

    Yrishka said:


    Thanks! I hope so too!
  6. Moon-baby's Avatar

    Moon-baby said:


    Yeah..this song is in the upper egyptian accent. I'll try to do my best

    ala warag el fol dala'ny : On tha jasmine leaves pamper me
    Ana mahmalsh el zol dah ya'ani : I can't bear all this begging

    ana la helty wala ma'aia : I have nothing
    Ela El-ghawyesh eli ma'aia : but these bracelets
    ma goltelak yalla nebehom: I told you let's sell them
    wa as-har ana wayak: and i'll spend the night with you
    w da'lani: and pamper me

    Ana la helti wala bi yaddi : I have nothing
    Ela el-khatem eli beyadi: but this ring in my hand
    ma goltelak yalla nebeoo: I told you let's sell it
    wa as-har ana wayak: and i'll spend the night with you
    w da'lani: and pamper me
    ala warag el fol dala'ny: On tha jasmine leaves pamper me

    ana la helty wala fe wedne: I have nothing
    ella el hala' elle fe wedne: but this earring (in my ears)
    ma goltelak yalla nebeoo: I told you let's sell it
    wa as-har ana wayak: And i'll spend the night with you
    bas dala'ni: but pamper me
    ala warag el fol dala'ny: on the jasmine leaves pamper me

    Helw yalli labes el tob : Oh you handsome wearing this costume
    Ana bedi atob ala edak : I want to repent because of you

    Ana albi, albi yertah ala eedak : You will put my heart at ease
    Alashan bahebak : is it because i love you
    Aizni abos ala eedak: you want me to kiss you hands? (Note : to kiss your hands means to beg you)

    ana la helty wala fe sadry: i have nothing
    gher el ooged elle fe sadry: but this necklace around my neck
    ma goltelak yalla nebeoo: i told you let's sell it
    wa ashar ana wayak: and we will spend the night together
    bas dala'ne: but you just pamper me...
    ala warag el fol dala'ny

    Ana la helti wala fi regli : I have nothing
    Ela el Kholkhal eli fi regli : but this foot lace
    ma goltelak yalla nebeoo:I told you let's sell it
    wa ashar ana wayak:And i'l lspend the night with you
    bas dala'ne: but just pamper me
    ala warag el fol dala'ny

    ala warag el fol dala'ny : On tha jasmine leaves pamper me
    Ana mahmalsh el zol dah ya'ani : I can't bear all this begging
    "Only in their dreams can men be truly free. It was always thus, and always thus will be" Dead poets Society
  7. Yrishka's Avatar

    Yrishka said:


    Dear Moon-baby, you're a life-saver, THANK YOU!!
  8. Moon-baby's Avatar

    Moon-baby said:


    You are welcome!
    "Only in their dreams can men be truly free. It was always thus, and always thus will be" Dead poets Society
  9. Selma said:


    Hi everyone!

    Does anybody of you has the lyrics and/or translation of Bint El Balad by Fatme Serhan?