Shiteman – Ideal Quotes (The Adventures Of Grandma) Lyrics

Album: Greatest Sh*ts

(Not Lyrics; A Spoken-Word Transcript)

(Intro): "And now the adventures of grandma conclude with her most memorable sayings and infamous quotes"...

(Grandma): "Hello... speak up whoever the hell you are... bastards./
Ya gonna stop fuckin' around... right now ya prick!/
Why don't ya stop playin' games whoever it is huh?/
Who's playin' games? Why don't ya fuckin' cut it out!/
Playin' games again? (Elephant Noise) Oh Fuck You!/
Why don't ya fuckin? knock off and pick on somebody else and your mother!/
(Flatulent) Fuck you!/
Hello... how are you, (Flatulent) what are you doing, fuckin' around./
Ya fuckin' around again prick?/
Fuck you!/
Fuck You!/
Playin' games again fuck?/
Playin' games again?/
Come on ya prick stop it!/
Ah, ya playin' games again huh ya son of a bitches! (Flatulent)/
Fuck you prick (Toilet Flushes)/
Fuck Youuuu!/
Hello ya bustin' balls again?/
Ya playin' games again fuck?/
Fuck you./
Stop fuckin' around./
Hello... fuck you./
Fuck you./
Hellooooo... Hello, how are ya, hows your pussy?/
Screw you!/
Come on, stop fucking around ya cocksucka!/
Come on fuck you, ya prick!!!"

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