Shiteman – Mr. Mcshite Lyrics

Album: Greatest Sh*ts

Oh Mr.McShite he's a good-hearted man,
with a smile on his face and a beer in his hand.
So gather around and you'll hear a great tale
of Mr.McShite and his bottle of ale.
Old Mr.McShite, he'll go drink till he's sick,
then slide down a rainbow with a big golden dick!!
He'll come home hung over and pass out on the stoop,
then wake up the next morning with his shorts full of poop.
He'll wait in his house until you go to work,
and follow you around like a big drunken jerk,
wherever you go he's sure to be there,
he'll wave you hello then give you a stare.
And just when you think that he's finally gone
he pops up again like a drunk leprechaun.
His purpose on earth is to stalk you around
everyday of his life until he's under ground.
But that day won't come ya see he'll never die,
as long as he's drinkin' his whiskey and rye.
Because he's a sick drunk it keep's him alive,
so he always make's sure to keep a supply.
Four shot's of whiskey and five shot's of rum,
he's sure to have more before the day is done.
If he start's to feel sober then he'll have a beer,
and you'll see his face light up with oh so much cheer.
He'll drink and he'll drink till his urine turn's pink,
if his wife's on the bowl then he'll piss in the sink.
But she doesn't care to her it's allright
because he's the great Mr.McShite!!!

Oh that was the tale of great Mr.McShite,
a man that'll shit in your doorway for spite.
So lock all your doors and close all windows tight,
and pray that he doesn't get shit-faced tonight.

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