Metropolis- İstemesen de

Thread: Metropolis- İstemesen de

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  1. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:

    Default Metropolis- İstemesen de

    I am ridiculously fond of this song. So I am hoping that someone is sitting at their computer right now and thinking "I would like to translate a long song by an unpopular band for a demanding person who I don't even know." Yes, I know...get to the point Parti...okay:

    İstemesen de

    Bana beni bıraktığın her gün
    Acınası sönük susmuş adam
    Gider ve yerinde hükmü var
    Öğretilenlerdeki bencil
    Sicili bozuk sahte adam
    Kendine gelsin apar topar

    Nasıl etki yarattın bende
    Sahte izlerin beynimde
    Ebedi huzur yok ki nerede?
    Sadakat o simsar dillerde
    Sövsen de, dövünsen de
    Bittin artık istesen de, istemesen de

    Kalbini söküp attığın hikaye
    Boş duygu okumak sende
    İsteklerinin sınırı yok ki nerede?
    Sakin temiz ruh kendime
    Harmanladım bir tane
    Sana verilen ucubeyle yetin be

    Say, benimde ruhum var
    Alev almış kavrulup yanar
    Erimez günah katranı
    Zifir olmuş kanıma dolar

    Thank you.
  2. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    İstemesen de / Even if you dont want

    Bana beni bıraktığın her gün
    Everyday that you left to me , the me (myself)
    Acınası sönük susmuş adam
    The man miserable lifeless silent
    Gider ve yerinde hükmü var
    Goes and it has force in his place
    Öğretilenlerdeki bencil Sicili bozuk* sahte adam
    The man egoist , sicili bozuk, fake in the things taught ( he was told / taught as an egoist.. fake ...)
    Kendine gelsin apar topar
    Should gather himself (recover ) hastily
    Nasıl etki yarattın bende
    what an impact you created on me ( you impressed me so much)
    Sahte izlerin beynimde
    Your fake traces are in my brain
    Ebedi huzur yok ki, nerede?
    There is no way for eternal tranquility(serenity)
    Sadakat o simsar** dillerde
    Fidelity is on those broker tongues
    Sövsen de, dövünsen de
    Even if you curse or beat urself (in sorrow or regret)
    Bittin artık istesen de, istemesen de
    You are done , whether you want or not
    Kalbini söküp attığın hikaye
    It s an implausible / boastful story that you took ur heart and threw away
    Boş duygu okumak sende
    As you do other stuffs, you read empty feelings
    İsteklerinin sınırı yok ki nerede?
    There s no limit of your wishes
    Sakin temiz ruh kendime Harmanladım bir tane
    A calm , clean soul i blended for myself
    Sana verilen ucubeyle yetin be
    You should be contented with the freak(which was) given you
    Say, benimde ruhum var
    Count / Consider i have a soul,also
    Alev almış kavrulup yanar
    (the soul) Caught the fire, burns deeply
    Erimez günah katranı
    The coal of sin doesnt melt
    Zifir olmuş kanıma dolar
    Became tar , fills up in my blood

    *Sicili bozuk : means made a fews guilts in his pasts . His case history / personal record is not well
    **Simsar: transactor, cabalist,middleman (not for good reason)
  3. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    You are my hero today (again)! I was just listening to this song 3 minutes ago.

    Thank you.
  4. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    I have a few questions...(Sorry, I think these lyrics are complicated, in Turkish and in English )

    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    Acınası sönük susmuş adam
    The man miserable lifeless silent
    Gider ve yerinde hükmü var
    Goes and it has force in his place
    Öğretilenlerdeki bencil Sicili bozuk* sahte adam
    The man egoist , sicili bozuk, fake in the things taught ( he was told / taught as an egoist.. fake ...)
    I don't really understand. When it says "hükmü var" is that like a forceful person or judge in his place? And the last line here is also hard to understand.

    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    Sadakat o simsar** dillerde
    Fidelity is on those broker tongues
    Does this mean people are talking about fidelity? Giving advice about fidelity?

    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    Kalbini söküp attığın hikaye
    It s an implausible / boastful story that you took ur heart and threw away
    Does this basically mean that it's not true that "you took out your heart and threw it away"?

    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    Sana verilen ucubeyle yetin be
    You should be contented with the freak(which was) given you
    The freak? Would this mean a person? What/whom is he talking about?

  5. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    *hükmü var means he s forceful person and may judge ( optional )
    *Sadakat , o simsar** dillerde
    Fidelity is on those broker tongues . i should have guessed that u wouldnt get this part because it s not clear. it Means 'you trust on middlemen you think they r faithful but they r just broker* but how possible for a commissioner being faithful..
    *Kalbini söküp attığın hikaye
    It s an implausible / boastful story that you took ur heart and threw away ' yes u r right . for example we say ' bana hikaye anlatma ' dont lie me , dont talk about boastful things
    *yes freak s a person that he s talking about
  6. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Thank you. It's much more sense in my head.
    And I will make you Senior Member one day with more "thank you"s than anyone ever. I give you my word!
  7. berrytr's Avatar

    berrytr said:


    стварно? haha thanks Partizanka but i m already a senior member
  8. partizanka's Avatar

    partizanka said:


    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    стварно? haha thanks Partizanka but i m already a senior member
    Da, gerçekten!
    My mistake...I forgot the word you used...not senior member...You wanted to be something Queen Top Goddess Sahip Master Member or something. (I think sometimes those are just called "moderators" )

    Quote Originally Posted by berrytr View Post
    aaaa why i cant bee thankeddd i want to be upper member if it exists
    Oh, okay...just upper member.
    It will happen. I will make sure of that.
    Last edited by partizanka; 11-27-2010 at 10:34 PM.
  9. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Thank you Berry And I will join Zaza's quest to make you an 'upper member' deserve it after putting up with all her demanding questions and her need to make lyrics seem more meaningful than they are

    Quote Originally Posted by partizanka View Post
    Thank you. It's much more sense in my head.
    And I will make you Senior Member one day with more "thank you"s than anyone ever. I give you my word!
    It has to be said that you become a senior not by thanks but but activity But you can get thanking