Sarafa-Sofia de Janeiro BG-EN or RO

Thread: Sarafa-Sofia de Janeiro BG-EN or RO

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  1. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:

    Default Sarafa-Sofia de Janeiro BG-EN or RO

    who can translate this text in english or ..maybe romanian?

    Tova ne e filosofia a samata realnost
    Dobre doshal v Sofia
    Bulgari turchulia na edno
    Jalturi vsichki zaedno s mangalite
    Takav e jivota po kvartalite
    A vie v osem vecherta kmeta mi go falite
    Tsel den pensionerite ne slizat ot tramvaia
    Tam e toplo za razlika ot tehnata staia (ima promiana)
    Taka li kade be? Dvaiset godini kriza ni ebe be
    Nema shto vischki golemi darjavnitsi i Kostov i Borisov izleznaha izmamnitsi
    Chalgata ne spira da sviri po radiata mama vi deba hodite si po selata
    Sofia stana kato shopska salata
    Na kiuchetsi li vazpitavate detsata

    Zadrastvane svinshtina buklutsi
    Na sveteofara naravno gipove s karutsi
    Nahalni shoferi karat po nasreshtnoto
    Slizat i razmeniat si iumrutsi
    Zabraviat che detsata niamam spirachki
    Po asfalta trupove na kucheta i matski
    Za dvaiset kinta sinite te puskat
    I posle na agala s prostitutkite razpuskat
    Naroda e stado obrecheni sa vsichki mlado i staro
    Marzelivi sa ne si mardat prasta
    Po-lesno im e samo s chupki v krasta
    Ne me narichai rapar az ne sam rapar
    Raparite sa komitsi 90%
    Ot teh nema da ti kajat istinata NIKOGA
    Znai shto,shtoto sa strahlivtsi

    I kato kaza brat mi Sho oshte predi deset godini
    Sofia e djungla
    I eto deset godini po-kasno niama nikva promiana
    A vie raparite oshte li puskate teia "Wake" neshta
    Tuk zaradi realnosta Sofia de Janeiro tuk jiveem
  2. Athanatos's Avatar

    Athanatos said:


    Tova ne e filosofia a samata realnost
    Dobre doshal v Sofia
    Bulgari turchulia na edno
    Jalturi vsichki zaedno s mangalite
    Takav e jivota po kvartalite
    A vie v osem vecherta kmeta mi go falite
    Tsel den pensionerite ne slizat ot tramvaia
    Tam e toplo za razlika ot tehnata staia (ima promiana)
    Taka li kade be? Dvaiset godini kriza ni ebe be
    Nema shto vischki golemi darjavnitsi i Kostov i Borisov izleznaha izmamnitsi
    Chalgata ne spira da sviri po radiata mama vi deba hodite si po selata
    Sofia stana kato shopska salata
    Na kiuchetsi li vazpitavate detsata

    This isn't a philosophy, but the reality (itself)
    Welcome in Sofia
    Bulgarians, Turks, all in one
    Yellows (Asians) all together with gipsies
    That's the life in the suburbia
    You praise the mayor in the eight o'clock in the evening
    All day the pensioners don't get down the tram
    There it is warm in contrast to their room (home) (there's some change)
    Isn't it? Where? Twenty years the crisis is f*cked with us
    All big state-men, Kostov, Borisov are cheaters
    The "chalga"don't stop on the radios, get the f*ck off to your villages
    Sofia became as a "shopska" salad
    Do you educate your children to "kuchek" (belly dance)?

    Zadrastvane svinshtina buklutsi
    Na sveteofara naravno gipove s karutsi
    Nahalni shoferi karat po nasreshtnoto
    Slizat i razmeniat si iumrutsi
    Zabraviat che detsata niamam spirachki
    Po asfalta trupove na kucheta i matski
    Za dvaiset kinta sinite te puskat
    I posle na agala s prostitutkite razpuskat
    Naroda e stado obrecheni sa vsichki mlado i staro
    Marzelivi sa ne si mardat prasta
    Po-lesno im e samo s chupki v krasta
    Ne me narichai rapar az ne sam rapar
    Raparite sa komitsi 90%
    Ot teh nema da ti kajat istinata NIKOGA
    Znai shto,shtoto sa strahlivtsi

    Traffic jam, squalor, junk
    On the traffic lights there's some jeeps and horse-carts
    Insolent drivers drive in the wrong lane
    They get down and change some fists
    They forgot that children haven't breaks
    There are corpses of dogs and chicks on the asphalt
    The cops let you go for 20 bucks
    And after that they are on the corner with some prostitutes
    The people is a flock, all they are doomed, the young and the old
    They are lazy, they don't move their finger
    It's easier for them to make bows to the ground (literally: to make bends in the waist)
    Don't call me a rapper, I'm not a rapper
    The rappers are comics
    90% of them - they don't tell you the truth never
    Because they are cowards

    I kato kaza brat mi Sho oshte predi deset godini
    Sofia e djungla
    I eto deset godini po-kasno niama nikva promiana
    A vie raparite oshte li puskate teia "Wake" neshta
    Tuk zaradi realnosta Sofia de Janeiro tuk jiveem

    As my brother Sho tolds 10 years ago
    "Sofia is a jungle"
    Here's 10 years later - there's no any change
    You, rappers, Do you still play these "wake"-things here?
    It's because the reality, Sofia de Janeiro, Here we live...
  3. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    thx so much Bro can i send you another text from Sarafa to translate me?
  4. Athanatos's Avatar

    Athanatos said:


    I don't like such "music"
    But if it's important for you - I'll translate it for you
  5. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    thx i'm a big fan of chalga music but i like very much Sarafa .. See my chalga videos on youtube:

    Translate pleaSe

    Кажи ми, имаш ли нужда даме мразиш,
    като от самия себе си трябва да се пазиш.
    Кво стана с любовта, къде отиде обичта? [2x]

    Вървейки по тротоара със цигара,
    пред очите ми излиза онази гледка стара -
    една улица без промяна,
    в България никой другия не уважава.
    За това и борбата на накои от народа е
    сломена от интересите на другата порода.
    Да бъдем зли едни към други - това явно е природа.
    За това написах кода - чуй албума ми и открий
    някъде там скритата ми ода.
    Тя е за теб, но я пази
    като очите си и най-ценния предмет.
    Ако питаш мен, питам аз - защо тука съм роден.
    Ако питаш мен - изчезвам още утрешния ден
    Не искам тази цялата омраза, да ме притиска
    и дявола зад гърба ми да се киска.
    Знам, не вярваш в моите изречения,
    но моа филм е пълен с видения.
    и сега, когато, човече любовта я няма,
    ми дай само една причина тука да остана.

    Хей, не ме мрази, няма смисъл.

    Припев: [2x]

    What about the way you love me??

    Чуй, когато рапирам го правя заради любовта,
    която искам да запазя.
    От зависта и яроста,
    просто искам да се предпазя.
    както и да ти кажа, че има изход по-добре да живееме
    в тоя целия кръг да се забавляваме.
    Всичко е въпрос на време,
    дните си минават
    въпроса е до кога ще оцелееме.
    Напоследък ежедневията ми минават в търсене на всичко онова
    което света ми предлага и рано сутринта преди изгрева.
    Аз знам, любовта ми се полага.
    Дай ми свобода,
    дай ми всичко онова,което ми се полага,
    дай ми химикалката, за да ти нарисувам моите чувства,
    така, че и самата сатана да се разчувства.
    Last edited by mariusmxm; 08-17-2011 at 02:59 PM.
  6. Athanatos's Avatar

    Athanatos said:


    Tell me, do you need to hate me
    while you have to keep yourself from yourself.
    What happened with the love, where the love is gone?

    As I walk on the pavement with a cigarette
    That old view appears before my eyes -
    a street without any change,
    in Bulgaria nobody respects nobody.
    Because of this the fight of some people is broken by the other race's interests.
    To be evil to each other - it seems is our nature
    Because of this I wrote the code - hear my album and find out my hidden oda overthere.

    It is for you, but I'm keeping it as my eyes and the best valuable thing
    If you're asking me, I ask - why I was born here?
    If you're asking me - I'll go away tomorrow
    I don't want all this hate to push me
    and the devil to giggle at my back.
    I know, you don't believe to my sentences
    but my movie is full of visions.
    And now, when, my man, the love is gone.
    Give me just one reason to stay here!

    Hey, don't hate me, it's not worth.

    What about the way you love me??

    Listen, when I'm rapping, I do it for love
    Which I want to keep
    from the envy and the rage
    I just want to keep myself
    As well as to tell you, that there's a way to live better
    in the whole this circle arounf to have some fun.
    All is matter of time, the days are passed away
    the question is - how long we can survive.

    Recently my days are passed in searching of all that
    which the world is offering to me and in the early morning, before the sunrise.
    I know, that I deserve the love
    Give me freedom
    give me all this, which I deserve
    Give me the pen, to paint to you my feelings
    So the satan to feel my feelings...
    It's not a litteraly translation, I translate it by meaning on some lines
  7. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    thanks very much