I wouldn't really call this a poem, I don't think it is even good enough to call a poem, just something a little something I wrote. Let me know what you think.
By the way, it isn't finished & it needs editing, but as I said, it's nothing special, sometimes when I'm feeling down I just start typing away.
I would take all of the tortures of the world for you,
Just to see you still standing,
I would take all of the heart break and physical pain,
Just to give you a safe landing, I'll forever be your parachute and I'll forever be the victim..
I try and I hope,
that maybe you will do the same for me..
But you cannot do this for me...
For your eyes see me as unworthy,
Yet I hold all of this love for you,
Yet still I am not enough,
Nobody can ever do more than this, (yet it is never enough)
I take all of the smootheness and I take all of the rough,
Yet there are hardly any smoothe times,
because your love is too stubborn/tough,
You've left me here, under the ground,
Under this dirt where I cannot be discovered,
Under this gravel, where I cannot be recovered,
Why leave me here?
Is the purpose of this cruelty for me to die?
I'll forever be waiting, for us to atleast try,
Yes, I don't mind being starved half to death,
and I don't mind if I have to say goodbye,
to this cruel world, where I am forever the loser,