Mahasti - Dele Kuchulu

Thread: Mahasti - Dele Kuchulu

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  1. Arbėr said:

    Cool Mahasti - Dele Kuchulu


    could anybody please translate Mahasti's Dele Koochoolo.

    Thanks a lot..
    Last edited by afsaneh; 09-12-2012 at 12:41 PM. Reason: Artist – Song name or names
  2. cametaa's Avatar

    cametaa said:


    ❤ Dele KoochooloO ❤
    'Little Heart'

    دل کوچولو
    dele kuchooloO
    oh (my) little heart

    دل دیوونه
    dele divoone
    the crazy heart

    دیگه نرو از خونه
    dige naro az khoone
    don't leave home anymore

    پشیمون می شی
    pashimoon mishi
    You will be regretful

    پریشون می شی
    parishoon mishi
    You will be distracted

    نمی دونی
    You have no idea (now)

    oh crazy

    بیرون از خونه دلا همه سنگ
    biroon az khoone dela hame sang
    Out of home hearts are all stony

    هر چی می بینی رنگه و نیرنگ
    har chi mibini range o neirang
    All that you see is hypocrisy and deceit

    تو مثل یه پرمی برتت باد
    to mesle ye par mibaratet bad
    Like a feather you will be carried by the wind

    حتی یادتم می برند از یاد
    hatta yadetam mibaran az yad
    They will forget even your memory

    دل کوچولو
    dele kuchooloO
    oh (my) little heart

    دل دیوونه
    dele divoone
    the crazy heart

    دیگه نرو از خونه
    dige naro az khoone
    don't leave home anymore

    پشیمون می شی
    pashimoon mishi
    You will be regretful

    پریشون می شی
    parishoon mishi
    You will be distracted

    نمی دونی
    You have no idea (now)

    oh crazy

    بمیرم واسه ی تو
    bemiram vaseye tooO
    oh i hope to die for you (i feel pity for you)

    چه رنجا نکشیدی
    che ranja nakeshidi
    How much ever pain you have taken

    چه خسته دل تنها
    che khaste dele tanhaaa
    what a tired lonely heart (you are)
    (how tired you are (my) lonely heart)

    چه حرفا که شنیدی
    che harfa ke shenidi
    What words you have been told

    حالا برگشتی بازم تو سینه
    hala bargashti bazam too sine
    Now you have returned to (my) chest again

    می دونی تنها منو داری
    midooni tanha manna dariii
    You know (now) that you have me only

    می دونم شیطون بلای جونم
    midoonam sheitoon balaye joonam
    I know my naughty (heart)

    منو باز آروم نمی ذاری
    mano baz aroom nemizari
    Again you won't let me rest!

    دل کوچولو
    dele kuchooloO
    oh (my) little heart

    دل دیوونه
    dele divoone
    the crazy heart

    دیگه نرو از خونه
    dige naro az khoone
    Don't leave home anymore

    پشیمون می شی
    pashimoon mishi
    You will be regretful

    پریشون می شی
    parishoon mishi
    You will be distracted

    نمی دونی
    You have no idea (now)

    oh crazy

    بمیرم واسه ی تو
    bemiram vaseye tooO
    i feel pity for you

    چه رنجا نکشیدی
    che ranja nakeshidi
    How much ever pain you have taken

    چه خسته دل تنها
    che khaste dele tanhaaa
    How tired you are (my) lonely heart

    چه حرفا که شنیدی
    che harfa ke shenidi
    What words you have been told

    حالا برگشتی بازم تو سینه
    hala bargashti bazam too sine
    Now you have returned to (my) chest again

    می دونی تنها منو داری
    midooni tanha manna dariii
    You know (now) that you have me only

    می دونم شیطون بلای جونم
    midoonam sheitoon balaye joonam
    I know my naughty (heart)

    منو باز آروم نمی ذاری
    mano baz aroom nemizari
    Again you won't let me rest!

    دل کوچولو
    dele kuchooloO
    oh (my) little heart

    دل دیوونه
    dele divoone
    the crazy heart

    دیگه نرو از خونه
    dige naro az khoone
    Don't leave home anymore

    پریشون می شی
    parishoon mishi
    You will be distracted

    نمی دونی
    You have no idea (now)

    oh crazy

    بیرون از خونه دلا همه سنگ
    biroon az khoone dela hame sang
    Out of home hearts are all stony

    هر چی می بینی رنگه و نیرنگ
    har chi mibini range o neirang
    All that you see is hypocrisy and deceit

    تو مثل یه پر می برتت باد
    to mesle ye par mibaratet bad
    Like a feather you will be carried by the wind

    حتی یادتم می برند از یاد
    hatta yadetam mibaran az yad
    They will forget even your memory

    دل کوچولو
    dele kuchooloO
    oh (my) little heart

    دل دیوونه
    dele divoone
    the crazy heart

    دیگه نرو از خونه
    dige naro az khoone
    Don't leave home anymore

    پشیمون می شی
    pashimoon mishi
    You will be regretful

    پریشون می شی
    parishoon mishi
    You will be distracted

    نمی دونی
    You have no idea (now)

    oh crazy
    Last edited by cametaa; 02-22-2011 at 09:27 AM.
  3. Arbėr said:


    Thank you very much Cametaaaaaaa