Need an english translation on this and the lyrics written in persian, would be very thankful! Thanks xxx
Need an english translation on this and the lyrics written in persian, would be very thankful! Thanks xxx
heRE you are!
Saeed kermani - diGE nemikhaMEt!
i doN't want you anYmore!
-گل من اگه که میخونم به خاطر توئه
goLe man agE ke mikhoonaM be khatere toE!
My floweR! I am singinG just foR you!
-اگه مجنون ودیوونم به خاطر توئه
agE majnoono divoOnam be khatere toE!
aNd I aM madlY in love, just because of you!
-با رفتنت فهمیدم پسر ساده منم
Ba raftanEt fahmidaM pesare sadE manaM!
afteR you left mE, I realizeD thaT I aM a naive Boy!
-اون که تو این بازی بازنده هست خود منم
ooN ke too iN bazi bAzandeh hast khodE manaM!
It iS ME whO is the loSer in thiS gaMe!
-بیا بشین وببین شده پاره تنم
bIya beshiNo bebiN shode parE tanaM!
comE and sit Here.. and juST sEE thaT how miserable i aM!
-فقط با شراب آروم میگیره داغ دلم
faQat ba shaRab arooM migire daQe delaM!
driNking is the onlY cure for the paiN of my heaRt!
-داغ تو رو دلم اینجا مونده یادگاری
daQe to roo delaM inja mooNde yadegari!
Your paiN has becoMe like a memoriaL in my hearT!
-حالا جای عکس تو هم با من مونده خالی
haLa jaye axE to haM ba maN moonde khaLi
youR picture’s phramE is empty now, just like my hearT!(!?)!
-شاید روزی بگم چشمام سیر از نگاهته
Shayad rooZi begaM cheshaM sir az negaHete!
mayBe soMEday I’ll teLL thaT I’ve had enougH of you!
-میاد اون روزی که میگم دیگه نمیخوامت
miYad oon roozi kE migaM dige nemikhameT!
And thE day thaT I’ll saY I doN’t want you anymore will coME!
-آره منو از یادت ببر از رفته از یاد
arE mano az yadeT bebaR az raftE az Yad!
yeS! forgeT me!
-خاکستر داغ عشقمونم رفته به باد
khaKestarE daQe esHqemoonaM raftE be bad!
eveN thE asheS of our loVe’s paiN havE beeN destroyed!
-دیگه نمیخوامت برو بیرون تنهام بزار
Dige nemikhaMEt! Boro birooN tanhaM bezaR!
I doN’t want you anymoRe! Go awaY and leavE me aloNE!
-دیگه عشقو میبینم به چشم طناب دار
digE eShqO mibinaM be chesHme tanaBE daR!
loVE is likE thE ropE of a gallOw in my poiNt of view !!!
-گلی بودم پرپر کردی دادی به باد
goLi boodaM! parpaR kardi dadi be Bad!
I waS a floweR! You destroyeD and lefT it!
-میبوسمت عزیزم میگم روحت شاد
miboosamEt azizaM!migaM roohet shad!
kiSS you darlinG! And i’ll saY : God resT her souL!
همیشه نفرین من به راهته
hamiShe nefrinE man be rahEte!
But my Curse will alwayS be with you!
به دل سیاهتو نگاهته
Be dele siyaHEto negaHete!
it ( my curSe ) wiLL be with youR blaCk hearT and the waY you looK!
تا ابد فقط میگم خداخدا
Ta aBad faQat migaM KhodaKhoda!
I’LL juSt asK god, tiLL the end of My life,
کی میشه از دل تو دلم جدا
kEy mishe az dele tO delaM joda!
To separaTE my hearT froM yourS!
میدونم همش دروغه عشق تو
midoonaM hamaSh doorooqE eshQe to!
I knoW thaT your loVE is aLl a liE!
میدونم چقدر شلوغه دل تو
midoonaM cheQd r shoolooQe deLE to!
And I knoW how busY your heaRT is!
الهی خونه خرابت ببینم
eLaHi khooNE kharaBet bebinaM!
I’ll asK gOd to noT leT yoU livE in comfoRt!
تا ابد توی عذابت ببینم
Ta abaD tooye azabET bebinaM!
I wanT to see yoU sufferinG till the enD of your liFE!
دیگه از نبودنت نمیسوزم
digE az naboodanet nemisoozaM!
I woN’t burN froM yur absenCe anymore!
دیگه حتی چشم به در نمیدوزم
diGE haTa cheshM be daR nemidoozaM!
I woN’t eveN starE at the door !
برو اشک نریز با این یاد دلم
Boro asHk nariZ ba in yaDe delaM!
jusT leavE and doN’t crY !
دیگه نمیخوامت باهات نمیمونم
diGE nemikhameT bahaT nemimoonaM!
witH thiS hearT, I don’t wanT you anymore! I wiLL noT staY with you anymore!
دیگه حتی نمیخوام اسمتو فریاد بزنم
diGE haTa nemikhaM esmetO faryad bezanaM!
I doN’t eveN want to shuT your namE!
مثل عاشق تو کتابا اسمتو داد بزنم
mesLE AsheGh too ketaBa esmEto dad bezanaM!
And I doN’t wanT to shuT your namE into the bookS, like the loverS!
-بترس از اون روز که با من چش تو چش بشی
betarS az oon rooZ ke ba maN chesH too chesH beshi!
Be afraId of the daY you maY be in fronT of my eyeS!
-من تو فکر تو بودم تو بودی تو فکر کی
maN toO fekrE to boodaM to boodI too fekre ki?!
I waS thinkinG of you! Who werE you thinKing of?!
-خیلی ساده از من گذشتی من ساده تر میگذرم
Kheyli sadE az maN gozashti! Man sadetaR migzaraM!
So easIly you left me ! I’ll leavE you easieR!
-مثل قبل از نبودنت تو خودم نمیشکنم
mesLE qabL az nabooaneT too khodaM nemishkanaM!
I woN’t breaK everythinG inside of my hearT like beforE!
-میشنوم صدایی که تو هیچوقت نشنیدی
mishnaVam sedaYi ke to hiChvaQt nashNidi!
I’ll heaR the voiCe you never hearD!
-صدایی که میگفت تو از جدایی میترسیدی
sedaYi ke migofT to az jodaYi mitarsidi!
The voiCe thaT told you’re afraid oF separatioN!
-آره میترسیدم ولی حالا میگم بی خیال
arE mitarsidaM! Vali hala migaM bi khiyaL!
yeS! I was afraid of iT! But now, I’ll saY “ nothinG matters! “!
-حرفا تکراری شده یه حرف جدید بیار
haRfa tekrari shode ye harfE jadid biyaR!
Your worDs have becoME repetitive! Say a new thiNG!
کاش میشد ببینمت بهت بگم
kasH mishod bebinamEt behet begaM!
thaT would be really greaT if I could see you and tell yoU thaT,
دیگه از دیدن تو سیره دلم
diGE az didane tO sire delaM!
mY hearT had enougH of seeing you! And its tired of you!
کاش میشد دیگه چشام نبیننت
kasH mishod dige cheshaM nabinateT!
thaT wouLd be really greaT if my eyeS couLdn’t see you anymoRe!
از درخت غم دیگه تورو نچیننت
Az derakhTE qaM digE toro nachinateT!
anD (thaT wouLd be really greaT if) __! !
کاش میشد چشماتو گریون میدیدم
kasH mishod cheshmaTo geryooN mididaM!
thaT wouLd be really greaT if i couLd see your tearfuL eyes!
تو تنهایی وغم دل تورو خون میدیدم
too tanhayio Qam dele toro khooN mididaM!
and if i couLd see yoUr hearT sufferinG lonelineSs and sorrowS!
کاش میشد ابر چشام بارون کنه
kash misHod abRE cheshaM barooN koNE!
thaT wouLd be really greaT if my eyeS couLd makE a flood..
سیل غم دلم آبادیتو داغون کنه
seyLe Qam abaditO daqOOn koNE!
and thaT flood couLd destroY eveRy happiness of youR hearT!
ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
It seemS like everythinG is graY...
and there's No coloR to beHold..