hi i really need some help, i love this song but i dont understand it if someone can please translate it to english, that be soo awsome. thank you so much! SAEED MODARRES "MAN TORO ESHTEBAHI GEREFTAM - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIcSejtvZI4
hi i really need some help, i love this song but i dont understand it if someone can please translate it to english, that be soo awsome. thank you so much! SAEED MODARRES "MAN TORO ESHTEBAHI GEREFTAM - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIcSejtvZI4
Last edited by darya_123; 04-20-2011 at 12:12 PM.
anyone please a transalte to english...
Saeed ModaRRes - Man toro eshtebaHi gereftaM!
من تو رو اشتباهی گرفتم با کسی که همه زندگیمه
maN torO eshtebaHi gereftaM, ba kasI ki, hameye zeNdegimeH!
I miXed you uP with thE one who’s my wholE life!
با کسی که مثِ یه نوازش توی آرامش ِ من سهیمه
Ba kaSI ke mese ye navAzesh tooye ArAmeshE man, sahiMe…
With the onE who’s a solace of mE like a Caress…
من تو رو اشتباهی گرفتم ..توی اون کوچه های مه آلود
maN toro eshtebaHi gereftaM, tooye ooN koochehaye MEHalood..
I miXed you uP (with someonE else) , in those foggY lanes !
حال ِ من تصویر ِ برکه لحظه ی کوچ ِ مرغابیا بود
halE man, tasvire berkeH, lahzeYe kooche morQabiya bood..
I felT likE the lakE when the duCks were migrating… *
من مریضت شدم زیر ِ بارون
maN marizeT shodam, zire barooN…
I feLL in love witH you, under the raiN…
رفتن و از کی آغاز کردی ؟
raftaNo az keY aQaz kardi?
whEn did you starT leaving?
مشتمو باز کردم ببینیــم تو رو تو دستم
moshtaMo baz kardaM bebinaM, toro too dastaM..
juSt opened mY fisT to see yoU in my hand..
مثل ِ پروانه پرواز کردی
mesLE parvaneH, parvaz kardi…
buT you flEw awaY like a butterflY!
من تو رو اشتباهی گرفتم مثل یه شاخه از صخره ای سرد
maN toro eshteBahi gereftam, mesle ye shakhE az sakhreE sard…
I goT you wronG! likE a branCh out of a coLd cliFF
که نجاتم نداد از سقوط وهی ترک خورد و زخمیترم کرد
Ke nejataM nadaD az sooQooTo heY taraK khordo zaKhmitaraM kard…
whiCh didN’t rescuE me of fallinG … but ( the branCh ) brokE and made me more injured…
* manzooresH az in jomlaro nemidoonaM! !
any help wiLL be appreciated !
ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
It seemS like everythinG is graY...
and there's No coloR to beHold..
At first I should thank you sTarIm beNim for your beautiful translation.
In that line the lyricist wants to highlight the loneliness. Just imagine a lake after the migration of the birds, surely, it would become so empty and deserted. The lyricist draws some similarities between that situation for the lake and his/her own situation.
***The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veryclever1980***
@Darya_123 - thanks a lot for requesting this translation!
@ StaaaaaaaaaaaRRRR! It's the song you once recommended! Mr Sexy! Love it!
Thank you so much for translating it!
hi Paul
Yes, it is very pretty
@Astorias: That is a beautiful translation.
Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr
What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
thanks so much for the help astorias, its very beautiful. love it thanks guys for loveing it.
khahesH mikonaM, doostaM !!
ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
It seemS like everythinG is graY...
and there's No coloR to beHold..