shadmehr aghilli
halam avaz mishe
harfe to ke bashe
esme to varune
atre to hamrashe
un gushe az ghalbam
ke male hichkas nist
key ba to arum shod
shadmehr aghilli
halam avaz mishe
harfe to ke bashe
esme to varune
atre to hamrashe
un gushe az ghalbam
ke male hichkas nist
key ba to arum shod
بی اعتمادم کن به همه ی دنیا اینکه با من باش
Make me untrustful to the whole world and be with me
کنار من تنها، کنار من تنها، کنار من تنها
just next to me , just next to me ,just next to me
از اولین جملت، فهمیده بودم زود
From your very first sentence , I had understood soon
عشق های قبل از تو سوء تفاهم بود
that the ex-loves were just a misunderstanding
اونقدر می خوامت همه باهات بد شن
I want you that much that everyone becomes bad with you
با حسرت هر روز از کنار ما رد شن
and pass us everyday with regret
حالم عوض میشه، حرف تو که باشه
My mood changes when your word is around(when there is something about you around)
اسم تو بارونه، عطر تو همراشه
Your name is like the rain which has the scent of you
اون گوشه از قلبم، که مال هیچکس نیست
That corner of my heart which doesn't belong to anybody
کی با تو آروم شد، اصلا مشخص نیست
when did it find comfort? It's not clear at all
بی اعتمادم کن به همه ی دنیا اینکه با من باش
Make me untrustful to the whole world and be with me
کنار من تنها، کنار من تنها، کنار من تنها
just next to me , just next to me ,just next to me
از اولین جملت، فهمیده بودم زود
From your very first sentence , I had understood soon
عشق های قبل از تو سوء تفاهم بود
that the ex-loves were just a misunderstanding
اونقدر می خوامت همه باهات بد شن
I want you that much that everyone becomes bad with you
با حسرت هر روز از کنار ما رد شن
and pass us everyday with regret
حالم عوض میشه، حرف تو که باشه
My mood changes when your word is around(when there is something about you around)
اسم تو بارونه، عطر تو همراشه
Your name is like the rain which has the scent of you
اون گوشه از قلبم، که مال هیچکس نیست
That corner of my heart which doesn't belong to anybody
کی با تو آروم شد، اصلا مشخص نیست
when did it find comfort? It's not clear at all
Last edited by pinky_girl; 01-28-2012 at 04:59 AM.
Pinky jan! khoobi! can u please put the lyrics for man ageh nabasham? and behtarini and male to! from kamran and hooman pleaee? in farsi and in english? merci!
Behtarini :
Man ageh nabasham