Ahmad Saeedi - Moraghebe To Boodam

Thread: Ahmad Saeedi - Moraghebe To Boodam

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  1. darya_123 said:

    Question Ahmad Saeedi - Moraghebe To Boodam

    hey i really need some helpppp pleaseeeeeeeeeee i love this new song by ahmad saeedi- moraghebe to boodam, and i dont understand it really good, so please if someone can translate it in english, it be soooo awsome. i love his voice but i try to understand some words, if i can get the song transated it will be so nice. thanks soo much.
    Last edited by afsaneh; 09-02-2012 at 01:16 PM. Reason: Artist – Song name or names
  2. Hanisa's Avatar

    Hanisa said:


    'moraghebe to bodam'
    I looked after you
    'ghose to ro nabine'
    That you never see the sadness
    'amma to bi tafavot'
    But you were apathetic
    'farghe man o to ine'
    It is the difference between you and me.
    'chand vaghti mishe dige'
    There are a few days ...
    'to cheshmat sadegi nist'
    That there is not the simplicity in your eyes
    'in zendegi kenaret'
    This life next to you ...
    'shabihe zendegi nist'
    Is not like living
    'man ashegh shodam ba to '
    I loved with you
    'kenare to aramesh ro tajrobe kardam'
    I got experienced calmness with you
    'to miri donbale zendegit o'
    You will go and continue your life
    'in manam ke tanha ba dardam'
    And It is me that am alone with pain
    'fekre to door az injast'
    Your mind is out of here
    'to dige nisti pisham'
    You are not with me any more
    'man che jori betoonam '
    How can I ...
    'baz asheghe kesi sham'
    Will be in love with another person ?
    'doniam o asheghoone , be paie to gozashtam'
    I sacrifice all of my life for you
    'man az to entezare'
    I did not expect
    'in sardio nadashtam'
    that you behave cold like this
  3. darya_123 said:


    Thank You sooo much hanisa i love it really, great song and great translation. thanks again so much!!!
  4. Hanisa's Avatar

    Hanisa said:


    You're welcome
  5. Miladz said:

