
Thread: conversing

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  1. atsuma's Avatar

    atsuma said:

    Red face conversing

    I converse with an abase tongue
    Sibilated subtle hypocrisy
    Slither within and spit
    Verbal manipulation
    I am the one that takes you
    My illicit concubine
    persecute and incinerate you
    Intoxicant divine

    It's time to start the show
    Introduce the hidden self
    Stricken to reveal the truth
    That sickens and repels

    Swallowing a sick addiction
    Serenade from a serpent's tongue
    Authoring a fatal fiction
    Symbols dripping with venom

    I can subvert this prison
    Transcend beyond my flesh and blood
    Reprogram mental systems
    Continuum connect
    Infinite network access
    Invisible spectrum's flow
    Throughout my subtle body
    All I am is what I know
    Last edited by atsuma; 09-19-2011 at 08:51 AM. Reason: forgotten a part
  2. mexico62 said:


    Hi atsuma, It called my attention that you posted this poem almost one year ago, so I wanted to comment about it, and as we know that behind all the poems there is a story, hope you can be so kind to explain a little about it, because it sounded to me kind of strange. Fortunately you used a lot of words that made me search in the dictionary, so thanks for sharing and for helping me to make my vocabulary wider.
    P.S., I must tell you that probably I couldnīt get the complete meaning because my first language is spanish.