missing thread

Thread: missing thread

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  1. abu arab's Avatar

    abu arab said:

    Default missing thread

    yesterday i commented on a thread under the title mother's days songs , today i am looking for it to add more mother's songs but i can't find it , where is it ? or i were dreaming ?
  2. Sade said:


    i dont know, this happens to me all the time. i see things and then they aren't there anymore. :Eek:

    Did you look at your "subscribed threads"?
  3. abu arab's Avatar

    abu arab said:


    i have been looking for it for about one hour , i tried every thing but it disappeared , looks like wasn't exist before.

    i checked subscribed threads another time it doesn't exist .
  4. jeez said:


    abu arab, what was the exact title of the thread if you recall it?
    have you tried to look through your recent forum posts?
  5. abu arab's Avatar

    abu arab said:


    i can't remember the title exactly , but i can remember very well that the title was containing the words (mother's songs) and the topic was a question about (any lyrics or songs about mother's day songs)

    i added three songs (three comments) Chinese , Arabic and Turkish songs , i was the first one add comments at this thread , but i wonder that i can find all my posts except this thread , i checked my recent posts it doesn't exist .

    thanks for concern
  6. Sade said:


    Actually I remember seeing that thread too. Maybe the person who opened the thread deleted it? If that's even possible.
  7. abu arab's Avatar

    abu arab said:


    i don't know if a member able to delete his/her thread but i have seen this thread


    thanks for your comment , you are right it seems he/she deleted the thread but i haven't received any notification about that .