Autopark Video+Lyrics+Translation

Thread: Autopark Video+Lyrics+Translation

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  1. Sophist said:

    Default Autopark Video+Lyrics+Translation

    Here's one of my favorite bands. I hope you'll enjoy.

    This one is without official music video; lyrics - two sentences (cool!)


    Autopark - Zahtevna

    Ti nemaš prava da
    kažes da život je
    zahtevna stvar.

    Ti nemaš snage da
    započneš ono što obećavaš
    od kada te znam.

    Autopark - Demanding (woman)

    You have no rights to
    Say that life makes
    (High) demands on us.

    In the whole time I've known you
    You haven't had strength to
    Start accomplishing thing you've promised.

  2. Sophist said:



    Autopark – Ćutanje

    Noćima ležala sam tu pored tebe
    čekajući da pokloniš mi samo sebe
    ali sve što sam dobila
    bio je strah i zato sada

    Dobro znam kako to izgleda
    jer ti tada mislio si
    manje će me boleti
    mislio si da je bolje ćutati

    Izgubio si mene
    ti misliš spasio si sebe
    život pruža mnogo mogućnosti
    hajde sad pronađi ih
    hajde pronađi!

    Hajde pronađi ih
    pronađi ih bez mene
    pronađi ih bez mene
    pronađi ih za sebe
    hajde pronađi ih!

    Noćima ležala sam tu pored tebe
    čekajući da pokloniš mi samo sebe
    ali sve što sam dobila
    bilo je ćutanje.

    Uzasno ćutanje, beskrajno ćutanje
    samo ćutanje, tvoje ćutanje
    samo ćutanje, samo ćutanje
    samo ćutanje, tvoje ćutanje.

    Autopark – Silence

    For nights I’ve been lying here by your side
    Waiting to give me only yourself
    But all I’ve got
    Is fear, so now

    I know very well how it feels
    Because you thought then
    It would hurt me less
    You thought it was better to stay silent.

    You lost me
    You though you saved yourself
    Life offers you many possibilities
    Come now, seek them out
    Come and seek them out!

    Come and seek them out
    Seek them without me
    Seek them without me
    Seek them for your own advantages
    Come and seek them out!

    For nights I’ve been lying here by your side
    Waiting to give me only yourself
    But all I’ve got
    Is silence.

    Horrible silence, endless silence
    Only silence, your silence
    Only silence, only silence
    Only silence, your silence.
  3. Sophist said:

    Default Autopark - Ne pričam o sebi


    Autopark - Ne pričam o sebi

    Oni misle ja ne volim da govorim
    Oni misle ja nemam, nemam šta da kažem
    Smejem se u sebi jer ja sve znam
    Rekla bih vam nešto o sebi
    Ali ne mogu sada, ne mogu nikada

    Ne, ja ne pričam o sebi nikada
    Ne pričam o sebi nikada
    Ne pričam o sebi nikada

    Oni misle ja nemam, nemam šta da kažem
    Smejem se u sebi jer ja sve znam
    Rekla bih vam nešto o sebi
    Ali ne mogu sada, ne mogu nikada

    Ne, ja ne pričam o sebi nikada
    Ne pričam o sebi nikada
    Ne pričam o sebi nikada

    To sam videla od vas
    To sam videla od vas

    Autopark – I Don’t Talk About Myself

    They think I don’t like to talk
    They think I don’t have something to say
    I laugh to myself because I know everything
    I would like to say something about myself
    But I can’t do that now, I can’t ever do that

    No, I never talk about myself
    I never talk about myself
    I never talk about myself

    They think I don’t like to talk
    They think I don’t have something to say
    I laugh to myself because I know everything
    I would like to say something about myself
    But I can’t do that now, I can’t ever do that

    No, I never talk about myself
    I never talk about myself
    I never talk about myself

    I’ve learned that that from you
    I’ve learned that that from you
  4. acevsd said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sophist View Post
    Here's one of my favorite bands. I hope you'll enjoy.

    This one is without official music video; lyrics - two sentences (cool!)


    Autopark - Zahtevna

    Ti nemaš prava da
    kažes da život je
    zahtevna stvar.

    Ti nemaš snage da
    započneš ono što obećavaš
    od kada te znam.

    Autopark - Demanding (woman)

    You have no rights to
    Say that life makes
    (High) demands on us.

    In the whole time I've known you
    You haven't had strength to
    Start accomplishing thing you've promised.

    I like it until I realized it is just two sentences but 5 minutes... still a good song, but I like it less for that