Please translate these pic quotes

Thread: Please translate these pic quotes

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  1. yol's Avatar

    yol said:

    Smile Please translate these pic quotes

    Trying but I'm confused. Will be very much appreciated.
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  2. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    Well, nice quotes

    1. Да знаев дека тоа ни беше последна средба, ќе те гушнев посилно
    If I had known that this was our last meeting, I would have hugged you stronger

    2. Далечината може да ме спречи да те видам но никако не може да ме спречи и да те сакам
    The distance can stand in my way to see you but no way can stop me to love you.

    3. Немој да ми ветуваш дека ќе ми симнуваш ѕвездите.
    You don't have to promise that you'll give me the stars from the sky.
    Само вети ми дека ќе ги гледаме заедно ЗАСЕКОГАШ
    Just promise to me that we will watch them together FOREVER

    4. Кога душата ќе се заљуби во душата, без оглед на изгледот на телото, убавината.. тоа е љубов
    When the soul will fall in love, regardless of the body's appearance, the beauty.. this is love

    The last one I didn't get it, but it sounds something like this and doesn't make much sense
  3. yol's Avatar

    yol said:


    Thank you so much again Marius. You really are a great help. About the last one, I got what it meant. <3 I've learn a lot from this site.
  4. mariusmxm's Avatar

    mariusmxm said:


    Nice then, I'm glad that I could help you
  5. Milka's Avatar

    Milka said:


    Couple of corrections:

    2. Далечината може да ме спречи да те видам но никако не може да ме спречи и да те сакам
    The distance can prevent me to see you, but it can not prevent me to love you. [да спречи = to prevent]

    3. Немој да ми ветуваш дека ќе ми симнуваш ѕвездите.
    Do not promise me you will give me the stars.
    Само вети ми дека ќе ги гледаме заедно ЗАСЕКОГАШ
    Just promise to me that we will watch them together FOREVER

    4. Кога душата ќе се заљуби во душата, без оглед на изгледот на телото, убавината.. тоа е љубов
    When the soul [the heart] falls in love [with a like soul], regardless of how the body appears, [or its] beauty...this is love.