Facebook stalker

Thread: Facebook stalker

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  1. trueperfectionisimperfect said:

    Red face Facebook stalker

    bit of a fun one but really does need a lot of improvements i recon anyone who has had a facebook stalker with relate and be able to help lol

    Adding me one night
    Liked my profile and wanted to say hi
    Talked for a little while
    Just to be polite

    Don’t mind the randomness
    And Im fine today thank you
    Hope you are doing well
    You saw this as your cue

    Logging on and your name pops up
    Saying hey how’s you today
    Like you don’t already know

    Facebook stalkers just give it a break
    And get off of my page
    Stop liking my every status
    Let me out of my cage
    My Facebook stalker

    Please just get the subtle hints
    Like no reply to the 50th inbox
    I don’t mean to be rude
    But its time you get blocked

    Can’t make a move without
    You and your every comment
    Feel like Im becoming stuck
    And you are the cement

    Logging on and your name pops up
    Saying hey how’s you today
    Like you don’t already know

    Facebook stalkers just give it a break
    And get off of my page
    Stop liking my every status
    Let me out of my cage
    My Facebook stalker

    Found a comment to a girl
    You found it hard to resist
    You went and give me s#!t
    So I had to put you on my block list

    Was only trying to be nice
    But I guess crazy can’t handle that
    You’re gone from my Facebook page
    So finally no more instant chat
  2. Doug Denslowe's Avatar

    Doug Denslowe said:


    TrueP,When I first read this Song Title,I thought,mistakenly,that this was about the Craigslist Killer.(Craigslist Killer,Facebook Stalker,sounds the same in my memory,somehow!)Anyway......great lyrics and that's what this site is about:Lyrics!Well done!
  3. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    hahaha bit of a mistake there lol and thank you and yes it is
  4. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Oh, such perfect Down To Earth Sarcasm:yep, here it is so easy to block- at home you couldn't do that with your wife,lol
    I called someone a "banana and got blocked to!
    Danger lurks though around the corner and does exist. Fb is dangerous, criminal, awkward, addictive, crazy, zombyfying....
    Thanks for pointing it out!
  5. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    hahaha thanks lol some people out there really crack me up with how weird, strange and sometimes just plain stupid they are your welcome thanks for reading
  6. Jim Colyer's Avatar

    Jim Colyer said:


    Maybe we've all become facebook stalkers in this day and age.
  7. Eccer's Avatar

    Eccer said:


    What's your facebook trueperfectionisimperfect?

    Last edited by Eccer; 07-10-2013 at 10:14 AM.
  8. trueperfectionisimperfect said:


    haha well its better then having one they crazyyyy :P