Saeed - To Mesle Goli

Thread: Saeed - To Mesle Goli

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  1. Ecoliqua's Avatar

    Ecoliqua said:

    Default Saeed - To Mesle Goli

    Is anybody there able and willing to translate Iranian songs into english? :-)

    I am a fan of Persian music, but it is quite difficult to find the songs translated...

    Who want to be the first?!

    So, here my first request:
    (if somebody could add also the song in arabic fonts, it would be great)

    TO MMESLE GOLI (you are like a flower) by Saeed

    to mesle goli...nazo khohgeli
    ba inhame dard ey yar...darmune deli
    ba eshwewo naz...delro mibari
    hichi nemikham ey yar...waghti ba mani

    man be yade to...del sepordeam
    man be eshghe to ey yar...sarsepordeam
    dur az to delam...ghoseha dare
    ba budane to in del...parwa nadare

    to mesle goli...nazo khohgeli
    ba inhame dard ey yar...darmune deli
    ba eshwewo naz...delro mibari
    hichi nemikham ey yar...waghti ba mani

    naze un negaht...hibat nadare
    cheshmune siaht ey yar...hasha nadare
    asheghet ba jek negah
    ashegh koshiham ey yar...andaze dare

    to mesle goli...nazo khohgeli
    ba inhame dard ey yar...darmune deli
    ba eshwewo naz...delro mibari
    hichi nemikham ey yar...waghti ba mani

    man ba eshghe to...zendegi konam
    ba raghse negaht ey yar...khandegi konam
    ta ke baraye to
    madyune toam... eshgham khake paye to

    to mesle goli...nazo khohgeli
    ba inhame dard ey yar...darmune deli
    ba eshwewo naz...delro mibari
    hichi nemikham ey yar...waghti ba mani
  2. Vanda's Avatar

    Vanda said:


    hi my dear laura!

    it's my first translation. so maybe it has a lot of mistakes! but i tryed. the lyric has 2-3 mistakes and i corrected them. hope you enjoy it. another request honey? or question?

    TO MESLE GOLI (you are like a flower) by Saeed

    to mesle goli ... nazo khohgeli --- you are like a flower ... you are nice and beautiful
    ba inhame dard ey yar*...darmune deli --- with these pains! o companion! ... you are such a remedy for this heart
    ba eshwe o naz...del ro mibari --- with coquetry and mincing ... you take the heart
    hichi nemikham. ey yar!...waghti ba mani --- i dont wanna anything else. o companion! ... when you are with me

    man be yade to...del sepordeam --- with your memories ... i felt in love with them
    man be eshghe to ey yar...sar sepordeam --- with your love. o companion! ... i devoted about it
    dur az to delam...ghoseha dare --- in far from you ,my heart ... has a lot of griefs
    ba budane to in del...parwa nadare --- with your presence, my heart ... has'nt any fear

    to mesle goli ... nazo khohgeli --- you are like a flower ... you are so nice and beautiful
    ba inhame dard ey yar...darmune deli --- with these pains! o companion! ... you are such a remedy for this heart
    ba eshwe o naz...del ro mibari --- with coquetry and mincing ... you take the heart
    hichi nemikham. ey yar!...waghti ba mani --- i dont wanna anything else. o companion! ... when you are with me

    naze un negaht... eyvallah** dare --- your eye's coquetry is really wonderful
    cheshmune siaht ey yar... mashallah** dare --- your black eyes. o companion! ... they are so nice
    asheghet ba yek negah --- i felt in love with you ... only with a look
    ashegh koshi ham ey yar... andaze dare --- lover killing. o companion! .... it has a limit (it means plz stop it)

    to mesle goli ... nazo khohgeli --- you are like a flower ... you are so nice and beautiful
    ba inhame dard ey yar...darmune deli --- with these pains! o companion! ... you are such a remedy for this heart
    ba eshwe o naz...del ro mibari --- with coquetry and mincing ... you take the heart
    hichi nemikham. ey yar!...waghti ba mani --- i dont wanna anything else. o companion! ... when you are with me

    man ba eshghe to...zendegi konam --- with your love ... i would living
    ba raghse negaht ey yar... bandegi konam --- with your eyes's dancing. o companion ... i would servitudeing for it
    ta ke baraye to --- to that time when i would alive... for you
    madyune toam... eshgham ... khake paye to --- i'm indebted to you ... my love ... i'm your foot's dust

    to mesle goli ... nazo khohgeli --- you are like a flower ... you are so nice and beautiful
    ba inhame dard ey yar...darmune deli --- with these pains! o companion! ... you are such a remedy for this heart
    ba eshwe o naz...del ro mibari --- with coquetry and mincing ... you take the heart
    hichi nemikham. ey yar!...waghti ba mani --- i dont wanna anything else. o companion! ... when you are with me

    *Yar means friend (boy friend or girl friend). it is a poetry mode of FRIEND. hafez, sa'di, molavi, khayam and ... were using this word on their poetris
    **both of eyvallah & mashallah are arabian words. we are saying them when a thing looks soooo great and beuatiful.
  3. Vanda's Avatar

    Vanda said:


    PS:this song re-sings with another singer in the name Ali Danial. but Saeed singed it much better in my opinion.
  4. Vanda's Avatar

    Vanda said:


    oh! persian font

    تو مثل گلي >>> سعيد

    تو مثل گلي ... ناز و خوشگلي
    با اين همه درد اي يار ... درمون دلي
    با عشوه و ناز ... دل رو مي بري
    هيچي نمي خوام اي يار .... وقتي با مني

    من به ياد تو ... دل سپرده ام
    من به عشق تو اي يار ... سر سپرده ام
    دور از تو دلم ... غصه ها داره
    با بودن تو اين دل ... پروا نداره

    تو مثل گلي ... ناز و خوشگلي
    با اين همه درد اي يار ... درمون دلي
    با عشوه و ناز ... دل رو مي بري
    هيچي نمي خوام اي يار .... وقتي با مني

    ناز اون نگات ... ايوالله داره
    چشمون سيات اي يار ... ماشاالله داره
    عاشقت شدم ... من با يک نگاه
    عاشق کشي هم اي يار ... اندازه داره

    تو مثل گلي ... ناز و خوشگلي
    با اين همه درد اي يار ... درمون دلي
    با عشوه و ناز ... دل رو مي بري
    هيچي نمي خوام اي يار .... وقتي با مني

    من با عشق تو ... زندگي کنم
    با رقص نگات اي يار ... بندگي کنم
    تا که زنده ام ... من براي تو
    مديون توام عشقم ... خاک پاي تو

    تو مثل گلي ... ناز و خوشگلي
    با اين همه درد اي يار ... درمون دلي
    با عشوه و ناز ... دل رو مي بري
    هيچي نمي خوام اي يار .... وقتي با مني
  5. Ecoliqua's Avatar

    Ecoliqua said:


    Hallo Vanda,

    thank you very, very much!
    Today is one of the happiest days in my life! :-)))))))))))))
    I love internet and the possibilities we have to do things like this. Is just amazing...
    Sure I have more requests!. I have some iranian musics that I hear almost everyday and the fact is that i am quite curious of knowing what they say...
    In my opinion, for being your first tranlation, you made a great job!!
    I have to leave now (I have german lessons) but i will come back to you later on with other request.
    The problem is that, this was the only lyrics i had... :-(. I know the titles and the singers, but I dont have the lyrics. If there is extremelly difficult to search in arabic (and I know some words), just imaging in Farsi!! ;-) Practically impossible!

    Thanks again and again!!!

    I am reaaaalllly happy! Doset daran! ;-)
  6. Vanda's Avatar

    Vanda said:


    your welcome honey. you made me blush sweetie :P
    well laura! my friend. it's enogh that you tell me name the song or the singer. i'll write the lyric and translate(there is no need for lyrics. i'll write them with myself). or if you dont know even name the song, just upload which song you want and i'll download it and then translate it for you.
    gradually i'll introduce some nice songs(in my opinion) in this topic.
    now i'm waiting for your requests azizam
    take care of your lessons and always be happy.

    for today: last month 1 album released which i felt in love with it. idin's new album is realy great. i love it. download this album from here: Idin : Guess i'm suggesting to you number 1(hads bezan-it's amazinggggg, i love it)- 3(yadam to ra faramosh- it is nice) 4(taghdir- it's realy amorously) 5(kocheye eshghe- not bad!)6 (nemishe- ohhh i love it. i'm dancing whole the day with this song)

    **this site is for persian lyrics: T Music | ترانه فارسی - موسیقی ایرانی which categorize by singers's name. well. maybe thay have some mistakes so which song you want just tell me. i'll correct (if there is a problem) and then translate that.

    i love you too, mi amore

    * i think the site's server was out of line about hours!
    Last edited by Vanda; 03-12-2007 at 08:41 AM.