Untitled Beginning

Thread: Untitled Beginning

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  1. m1k3 said:

    Default Untitled Beginning

    I form evil quatrains
    torture from the Renaissance age
    pressin' hombres
    'til thier body is concave
    welcome to the mindset of hip hop's enclave
    beyond brave
    hand feeding tigers chopped steak
    in the Sunderbans
    a place where humans are entrees
    " donde ? "
    a thousand miles east of Bombay
    I leave cities destroyed like Pompeii
    mouth is Mount Vesuvius
    even when I'm blasè
    I do not play

    Any feedback is welcome. I'll be adding more to this.
    Last edited by m1k3; 06-26-2014 at 10:24 PM.
  2. golden crown said:


    yeah..my ambition to win,got me trailing the seas
    of brimstone..claiming pain is the key
    to freedom..from the cyclic disease to living at ease
    like peace is the weapon..for painless relief
    i've lost three lives but it ain't done yet
    till am dead and i can never awake
    re-live with the ghosts in the afterlife..claiming crown is the aftermath
    to the royal rapport in the after strife
    damn...i ain't done for life
    still 25 to life to reaching softened heights
    flying through these cloudy nights
    treading the hoary paths to reaching shinny skies...