Scottish-Gaelic (GÀIDHLIG) - Julie Fowlis: "Smeòrach Clann Dòmhnaill"

Thread: Scottish-Gaelic (GÀIDHLIG) - Julie Fowlis: "Smeòrach Clann Dòmhnaill"

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  1. Ghaly's Avatar

    Ghaly said:

    Default Scottish-Gaelic (GÀIDHLIG) - Julie Fowlis: "Smeòrach Clann Dòmhnaill"

    Hello people,

    I realised that no correct lyrics for Smeòrach Clann Dòmhnaill exist, particulary sung by Julie Fowlis.
    Here are lyrics that I could gather together from very old books and other parts of the internet:

    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò ro ì,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò;
    Smeòrach le clann Dòmhnaill mi.

    Smeòrach mis' air ùrlar Phaibbil,
    Crùbadh ann an dùsal cadail,
    Gun deòrachd a thèid nas fhaide,
    Truimid mo bhròn, thoirleum m' aigne.

    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò ro ì,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò;
    Smeòrach le clann Dòmhnaill mi.

    Smeòrach mis' air mullach beinne,
    Gaibhric grein as speirin soilleir,
    Thig mi stolda choir na ceille,
    Bidh mi beò air treòdas eille.

    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò ro ì,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò;
    Smeòrach le clann Dòmhnaill mi.

    Ma mholas gach eun a thìr fèin,
    C'uim' thar éis nach moladh mise?
    Tìr nan curaidh, tìr nan cliar,
    An tìr bhiadhchar, fhialaidh, mheasail.

    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò ro ì,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò;
    Smeòrach le clann Dòmhnaill mi.

    'n tìr nach caol ri cois na mara,
    An tìr ghaolach, chaomhach, channach,
    An tìr laoghach, uanach, mheannach,
    Tìr an arain, bhainneach, mhealach.

    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò ro ì,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò;
    Smeòrach le clann Dòmhnaill mi.

    An cloigh chothan mise ruga [?],
    An aird an h-unnair h-uair mi togail,
    Fraoirc [?] a chuain uaibhreach chuislich (chaislich?),
    Nan stuaigh guanich, cluainich, cluichich [???],

    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò ro ì,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò;
    Smeòrach le clann Dòmhnaill mi.

    Measg chlann Dòmhnaill fhuair mi m' altram,
    Buidheann nan seòl 's nan sròl dathte,
    Nan long luath air chuantaibh farsaing,
    Aiteam nach ciùin rùsgadh ghlas-lann.

    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò ro ì,
    Hoilibheag, hilibheag, hò aill ill ò;
    Smeòrach le clann Dòmhnaill mi.
    Last edited by Ghaly; 02-13-2015 at 06:12 AM.
    - Racism is not far, it is in everybody's nature. Detect thy fears, thy prejudices, and live in unison with these fears and every being that does not harm thee.
  2. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    I found lyrics by Rachel Walker with a translation. Maybe this will help.

    Lyrics: English Translation:
    Sèist: Chorus (after each verse):
    Hoilibheag hilibheag hó ail il ó Hoilibheag hilibheag hó ail il ó
    Hoilibheag hilibheag hó ró i Hoilibheag hilibheag hó ró i
    Hoilibheag hilibheag hó ail il ó Hoilibheag hilibheag hó ail il ó
    Smeòrach le Clann Dòmhnaill mi A mavis of Clan Donald I
    Smeòrach mis' air ùrlar Phaibil A mavis I on Paible's flatlands
    Crùbadh ann an dùsal cadail Crouched in a drowsy sleep
    Gun deòrachd a théid nas fhaide Without misery that can go further without exile
    Truimid mo bhròin thòirleum m' aigne My sorrow heavier, my spirits fallen
    Smeòrach mis' air mullach beinne A mavis I on a mountaintop
    'G amharc gréin is speuran soillear Watching the sun and the clear sky
    Théid mi stòlda chòir na coille I will approach the forest quietly
    Bidh mi beò air treòtas eile I shall live by other means
    Ma mholas gach eun a thìr féin If every other bird praises its own land
    Cuim' thar éis nach moladh mise? Why then should not I?
    Tìr nan curaidh, tìr nan cliar Land of heroes, land of poets
    An tìr bhiadhchar fhialaidh mhiosail The hospitable, generous land of plenty
    Measg Chlann Dòmhnaill fhuair mi m' altrum Among Clan Donald I was nursed
    Buidheann nan seòl 's nan sròl daithte Company of sails and colored banners
    Nan long luath air chuantan farsaing Of swift ships on wide oceans
    Aiteam nach ciùin rùsgadh ghlas lann A people not slow to bare the gray blades
    Na fir eòlach stòlda stàideil Men experienced, steady, stately
    Bha 's a' chòmhstri stròiceach scaiteach Haughty and keen in battle
    Fir gun bhròn gun leòn gun airtneul Men without sorrow, without wounds, without weariness
    Leanadh tòir, is tòir a chaisgeadh Who would follow in the rout and who could also stop one
    Buidheann mo ghaoil nach caoin caitean My beloved company, not smooth of temper
    Buidheann nach gann greann san aisith A company resolute in war
    Buidheann shanntach 'n àm bhith aca A company ambitious when it was necessary
    Rùsgadh lann fo shranntraich bhratach To bare their blades beneath fluttering banners
    (Sèist 2x) (Chorus 2x)
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  3. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:


    That's a GREAT song people.
    I sincerely thank you both!

    There's also a translation by "amwtranslations" in the comments of this vid ->
    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"
  4. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Can you move this to the new Gaelic sub-forum, please?
    I can't do it.
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  5. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Oh yeah, here is the song.

    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.