Mahasti - Ghomare Zendegi
koja beram khodaya be ki begam ghamam ra --------------------------- where should I go oh God, who should I say my sorrows to?
Ke gham zabunamo suzunde ---------------------------------------------- My sorrows have burnt my tongue
Chera be lab biaram ke atashe darunam ta ostokhunamo suzunde ----- why should I say that my inner fire has burnt deep to my bones
in manam ke ghomaro bakhte --------------------------------------------- it’s me who has lost the gamble
ru nasim ashiyune sakhte -------------------------------------------------- on the breeze, has built a nest
mastamo divoone’am ------------------------------------------------------- I’m drunk and crazy
geryeye masti shode hamdame shabhaye man ahh --------------------------- drunken tears have become my nightly companion
bar dare meykhaneha halghe shode ta abad daste tamannaye man ahh ---- on the doors of the taverns until eternity my
in manam ke ghomaro bakhte ---------------------------------------------- it’s me who has lost the gamble
ru nasim ashiyune sakhte --------------------------------------------------- on the breeze, has built a nest
"If music be the food of love; play on."