Can I help you? please

Thread: Can I help you? please

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  1. louloudi said:

    Red face Can I help you? please

    hello all,se parakalo translation.I like greek music.I try learning greek.

    help me::::::::.

    Giorgos Mazonakis

    Piga sto spiti
    To patriko mu
    Na 'ho ton pono mu kapu na po
    Ki ida ti mana mu na klei san pedi
    Vrika simponia omos elipes esi

    Pia nihta s' ehi pari
    Ki i skepsi mu salpari
    Horis kamia dikeologia ehis hathi
    Pios ine o magnitis
    O erotikos su thitis
    Pu rihni alati stis kardias mu tin pligi
    Pia nihta s' ehi pari

    Piga tus filus mu
    Sti gitonia mu
    Ligo na eperna parigoria
    Ki itane oli tus mazi mu storgiki
    Vrika parea omos elipes esi
  2. dya said:


    This one is not translated yet, but I will do it later. Promise!

    So, please everybody, leave it like this, I want to try this translation myself and I'm gonna do this tonight! Please!!! Παρακαλω!!!!

  3. dya said:


    Ok. Here it is. Of course it needs to be checked before you can actually rely on it, but I'm sure Someone will do that!

    Someone....παρακαλώ .. και ευχαριστώ...

    Πήγα στο σπίτι μου, -- I went to my house
    το πατρικό μου, -- Μy parents’ house
    νά 'χω τον πόνο μου κάπου να πω—so to have somewhere to speak (about) my pain
    κι είδα τη μάνα μου να κλαίει σαν παιδί – and I saw my mother crying like a child
    βρήκα συμπόνια όμως έλειπες εσύ...—I found compassion even if you were missing….

    Ποια νύχτα σ' έχει πάρει – What night has taken you away
    κι η σκέψη μου σαλπάρει...—And put off my thought ( the thought of me)
    Χωρίς καμιά δικαιολογία έχεις χαθεί...—Without any justification you were lost
    Ποιος είναι ο μαγνήτης—Who is the magnet
    ο ερωτικός σου θύτης -- Your erotic sacrificer (have no idea about a better term in english although I know exactly what it means. The one who executes those sentenced to death )
    που ρίχνει αλάτι στης καρδιάς μου την πληγή... Who threw salt in the wound of my heart
    Ποια νύχτα σ' έχει πάρει...What night has taken you away…

    Πήγα στους φίλους μου, -- I went to my friends
    στη γειτονιά μου,-- In my neighbourhood
    λίγο να έπαιρνα παρηγοριά – To get a little consolation
    κι ήτανε όλοι τους μαζί μου στοργικοί—And they were all caring with me
    βρήκα παρέα όμως έλειπες εσύ... -- I found company even if you were missing
  4. louloudi said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dya View Post
    Ok. Here it is. Of course it needs to be checked before you can actually rely on it, but I'm sure Someone will do that!

    Someone....παρακαλώ .. και ευχαριστώ...

    Πήγα στο σπίτι μου, -- I went to my house
    το πατρικό μου, -- Μy parents’ house
    νά 'χω τον πόνο μου κάπου να πω—so to have somewhere to speak (about) my pain
    κι είδα τη μάνα μου να κλαίει σαν παιδί – and I saw my mother crying like a child
    βρήκα συμπόνια όμως έλειπες εσύ...—I found compassion even if you were missing….

    Ποια νύχτα σ' έχει πάρει – What night has taken you away
    κι η σκέψη μου σαλπάρει...—And put off my thought ( the thought of me)
    Χωρίς καμιά δικαιολογία έχεις χαθεί...—Without any justification you were lost
    Ποιος είναι ο μαγνήτης—Who is the magnet
    ο ερωτικός σου θύτης -- Your erotic sacrificer (have no idea about a better term in english although I know exactly what it means. The one who executes those sentenced to death )
    που ρίχνει αλάτι στης καρδιάς μου την πληγή... Who threw salt in the wound of my heart
    Ποια νύχτα σ' έχει πάρει...What night has taken you away…

    Πήγα στους φίλους μου, -- I went to my friends
    στη γειτονιά μου,-- In my neighbourhood
    λίγο να έπαιρνα παρηγοριά – To get a little consolation
    κι ήτανε όλοι τους μαζί μου στοργικοί—And they were all caring with me
    βρήκα παρέα όμως έλειπες εσύ... -- I found company even if you were missing

    thanks a make happy me.I love greek music.
    eycharisto ply.