Marwa - Motreb Hamboly [added]

Thread: Marwa - Motreb Hamboly [added]

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  1. Kajmir's Avatar

    Kajmir said:

    Default Marwa - Motreb Hamboly [added]

    If anyoe is familiar with this song i would apreciate soooo much a translation. i am thinking about using it for an assaya dance piece and want to make sure it is appropriate. Shukran!! If I can find the lyrics in arabic i will post for someone to translate to english........
  2. Kajmir's Avatar

    Kajmir said:


    here is a link to the actual lyrics in arabic........
  3. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    this song is completely meanless ,and that's so typicall from marwa ,personally i can't do it cause it's traditional egyptian sorry ,may be someone from egypt can help you
  4. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    really they dont need to be translated coz they dont have any meanings
    this words are so silly...
    they are just on the rythem so u can dance on them
  5. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    you're absolutly right mavii,many arabic singers do that,and i wonder why
  6. rasha's Avatar

    rasha said:


    wow that's really silly meaning
    صحيح دروبي عنك بعيده واتصالاتي مو عديده بس وحياه لي خلقك محبتك بقلبي اكيده
  7. Kajmir's Avatar

    Kajmir said:


    Can you explain what the jist of the meaning is .............instead of translating?? Silly doesn't help me....silly............
    It has a pumping saiidi back beat that is super fun to dance to....if the lyrics are ridiculous or offensive I'm not interested!
  8. nawali_123's Avatar

    nawali_123 said:

    Talking well.... hope that would help you 2 understand how silly the song is

    Marwa - Collection

    Motreb Hamboly- hamboly singer

    sedy dely we mekadely- has no meaning !
    shad sha3ry we kan derely- he pulled my hair and "kan derely"
    2alabooha samba- they turned it to "samba"
    samooha romba- they called it "romba"
    sa2sa2 3ala weeka - also no meaning here
    keda hmbakeka- like this is "hambakeka"
    yama 7anshoof lesa- yet we're gonna see more
    men ghona 7alabesa- of "7alabesa" song's

    ya wala- oh boy!
    aywa- yeah

    waho kolo el nono kawanono beybee3 fi awanta- and all the "nono's kawanono" are sold for nothing
    we ghlobna nenady kawanay beynady fi malta- and we're calling "kawanay" he is calling "malta"
    beyghano el nano kawanano we ba2eena fi za7ma- they are singing the "nano kawanano" and we are stucked in the traffic
    3ayzeeny el neeny kawaneeny yaba 7abet ra7ma- those "neeny kawaneeny" needs mercy

    motreb 7amboly- 7amboly singer
    la3la3 ya 7alooly- raise your voice "7alooly"
    welkol yeda2da2- and everybody is "yeda2da2"
    wahy zambaleeta- and its "zambaleeta"

    warkab sawary- riding the "sawary"
    west el 7awary- among the "7awary"
    we a3mel boleeka- and making "boleeka"
    keda fabrateeka- like this "fabrateeka"

    ra2asny- Dance me
    ata3ny- cut me?! >>> what the hell!
    lawa3ny- make me sick

    waho kolo el nono kawanono beybee3 fi awanta
    we ghlobna nenady kawanay beynady fi malta
    beyghano el nano kawanano we ba2eena fi za7ma
    3ayzeeny el neeny kawaneeny yaba 7abet ra7ma

    ma32ool di 3eesha- is that a living
    di ba2et forkeesha- that is a "forkeesha"
    dokhan 3ala sheesha- smoke over the water pipe
    tar zay el reesha- he flew like a feather

    yaba 2ool taralaly- say "taralaly"
    we aman ya lalaly- and "aman ya lalay"
    da ana asly sokar- am made of sugar
    sokar we ma7aly- sugar and candy

    sedy dely we mekadely
    shad sha3ry we kan derely
    2alabooha samba
    samooha romba
    sa2sa2 3ala weeka
    keda hmbakeka
    yama 7anshoof lesa
    men ghona 7alabesa
  9. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    good job nawali !!!i couldn't have done it any way it's bull **** sorry
  10. Kajmir's Avatar

    Kajmir said:


    Thanks so much Nawali, i hope it wasn't too seems pretty harmless(the lyrics) and like La Rosa said pretty meaningless!!! I appreciate you taking the time to do this, you rock!! shukran X's 1000!!!!
  11. nawali_123's Avatar

    nawali_123 said:


    you are welcome honey
  12. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    i'll try to explain the meanless words as this is slang n we use it a lot but in funny way n most of time like a joke
    so i'll try to explain it as i understand may i'm wrong may right as this song as they said b4 one of the songs which almost hv no meaning every word has meaning but why the song what she wanna say i really don't know it's just nice on parties for dancing at that time no one concenterate on lyrics

    Motreb Hamboly- hamboly singer ( mean the singer who sing crazy meanless folkloric songs)
    folkoloric songs this days become so strange got crazy words even singers don't know what's the meaning or they refer to things in bad way n some times rude n most of new "aghani sha3bia " like this n the singer who sing this songs u can say bout him 7amboli singer

    sedy dely we mekadely// this is mean that one(person)n another person (we also say folan w 3ilan it's almost the same)
    shad sha3ry we kan derely- he pulled my hair and "kan derely"
    2alabooha samba- they turned it to "samba"
    samooha romba- they called it "romba"
    sa2sa2 3ala weeka - he called weeka(nick name for person) sa2sa2 is voice boys do with thier mouthes it's see2 see2 so now they called it sa2sa2
    keda hmbakeka- like this is noise for nothing
    yama 7anshoof lesa- yet we're gonna see more
    men ghona 7alabesa- of crazy folkoloric song's
    7alabesa is a drink n when i say to a song 7alabesa it mean folkoloric song which is popular this days without means we called it "aghani sha3bia"

    ya wala- oh boy!
    aywa- yeah

    waho kolo el nono kawanono beybee3 fi awanta- and all the "nono's kawanono" are sold for nothing
    nono kawanono// nono is baby n when u say this it may hv too meaning or u say it to baby so it's as cutie baby or u say it to big guy hehehehe this u make fun of him of her n this really make anyone so nervous
    we ghlobna nenady kawanay beynady fi malta- and we're calling "kawanay" he is calling but in vain
    kwanany is nick name for little baby like cutie
    beynadi fi malta mean calling but in vain (this has a story but i don't remmember it all i remmember that malta is a city n we say this when i keep calling but no one answer me)
    beyghano el nano kawanano we ba2eena fi za7ma- they are singing the "nano kawanano" and we are stucked in the traffic
    3ayzeeny el neeny kawaneeny yaba 7abet ra7ma- those "neeny kawaneeny" needs mercy

    motreb 7amboly- 7amboly singer
    la3la3 ya 7alooly-Woow raise your voice
    (ya 7alooly mean Woow this is said by simple ppl when they find something amazing like when littel farmer first time on the city he say ya 7alooly i only saw it on movies)
    welkol yeda2da2- and everybody is making noise ( drumping n making noise) (yeda2da2 came from da2 it's the sound of noise
    wahy zambaleeta- and its "zambaleeta"( zambalita mean noise for nothing)

    warkab sawary- riding the "sawary"
    west el 7awary- among the narrow streets
    we a3mel boleeka- and making noise

    keda fabrateeka- like this "fabrateeka" (fabrakika is something that i say it's true or try to convince ppl with it even it's not true n i imagine all that)

    ra2asny- Dance me
    ata3ny- cut me?! >>> what the hell!... something said when i want someone to drump heavy so i dance like crazy
    lawa3ny- make me sick

    waho kolo el nono kawanono beybee3 fi awanta
    we ghlobna nenady kawanay beynady fi malta
    beyghano el nano kawanano we ba2eena fi za7ma
    3ayzeeny el neeny kawaneeny yaba 7abet ra7ma

    ma32ool di 3eesha- is that a living
    di ba2et forkeesha- that is a "forkeesha "

    forkisha mean it's over but in unregulated way
    dokhan 3ala sheesha- smoke over the water pipe
    tar zay el reesha- he flew like a feather

    yaba 2ool taralaly- say "taralaly"
    tralaly mean crazy but in nice way or as a joke
    we aman ya lalaly- and "aman ya lalay"
    aman ya lalaly said to singer whos voice n lyrics really great it's like woow what a nice voice go on n keep singing (I think this came from Turkish)
    da ana asly sokar- am made of sugar
    sokar we ma7aly- sugar and candy

    sedy dely we mekadely
    shad sha3ry we kan derely
    2alabooha samba
    samooha romba
    sa2sa2 3ala weeka
    keda hmbakeka
    yama 7anshoof lesa
    men ghona 7alabesa
    Her sabah bir dev masalında ..uyanınca
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  13. Kajmir's Avatar

    Kajmir said:


    Beso, Beso, so much for the thorough explanations....very informative and educational for me !!! That was great, thanks for taking the time....
    Cairo is magical...lucky!!
  14. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    Her sabah bir dev masalında ..uyanınca
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  15. artsweet83 said:


    hello i'm new here.. can anyone translate 4 me marwa song also but different title.. dont do this.. thank u very much guys!
  16. Beso's Avatar

    Beso said:


    Quote Originally Posted by artsweet83 View Post
    hello i'm new here.. can anyone translate 4 me marwa song also but different title.. dont do this.. thank u very much guys!
    i just saw this what song u need to be translated
    sorry for late
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