Cheb Khaled - Shab el baroud [*]

Thread: Cheb Khaled - Shab el baroud [*]

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  1. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:

    Smile Cheb Khaled - Shab el baroud [*]

    I cant find anywhere cheb khaled songg "shab el baroud" lyrics.
    will someone help me write the song in english and the meaning as well.
    I want the arabic words in english and the translation.

    I dont know arabic much.
    But i into Arabic music mostly.
  2. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    no one replied me yet.
    please help me,at least moderators.
  3. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    oh dear i wish i could help you , but i dont understand the Moroccan and algerian dialect so much ...
    so you must wait for larosa to translate it ...
  4. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    you know first i got excited to see someone reply.
    but after readin your message i was like...grrr...
    Thanks for your reading.
    I know i hope so,someone will do it for meh soon.
  5. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    of course it will be done don't worry , here we don't neglect anyone ... but about Moroccan and algerian dialect ,you know its not easy and should be translated by some one from algeria or tunisia or morocco ...
    thats why i told you you must wait for larosa
  6. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    oh!! hehe...
    so i think i should private message larosa...
    thnx for suggestion!!
  7. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    no one coming forward to reply!?!
    c'mon guys!
  8. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


  9. pinar85's Avatar

    pinar85 said:


    hi al habibi, as ams said moroccan and algerian dialects are difficult for them. please be patient dear, larosa is busy with her studies, she can check the forum only on the weekends (saturday or sunday). so lets wait for her (or another member who can understand northwest arabic dialects) to be on and check the song for you
    In generosity and helping others be like a river...
    In anger and fury be like dead...
    In tolerance be like sea...
    Either appear as you are, or be as you look...
  10. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    yeah...i m wating..
  11. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pinar85 View Post
    hi al habibi, as ams said moroccan and algerian dialects are difficult for them. please be patient dear, larosa is busy with her studies, she can check the forum only on the weekends (saturday or sunday). so lets wait for her (or another member who can understand northwest arabic dialects) to be on and check the song for you
    thanks dear for letting them know,i'm really guys so sorry and i can't be around only on saturdays and sundays

    about the song ,it's my favourite but i don't understand all of it sorry although i always listen to it it has a very deep meaning
    i'll try to reach the lyrics first they can be a challenge
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  12. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    well,if possible just post the lyrics in english...meaning u can tell me later.
    atleast i cn sing along for the time.
  13. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    where are all the people!!?!?
  14. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    ok here i come again i was in my studying house which is far from here and i could listen to the song and translate it but not all of it

    majatesh fi beli majatesh fi beli
    majetsh fi beli yehrabli ghzeli ghzeil X(2)

    s7ab el barood//people with the gunpowders
    s7ab el barood//people with the gunpowders
    s7ab el barood wel karabila//people with the gunpowders and guns X(2)

    yal jileni* yal jileni yal jileni
    oh my guide oh my guide oh my guide
    ya moulaya yada dawi hali X(2)
    oh my my god cure my state

    *is a nama of a religeous good model ,like sidi mansoor for exemple,people ask them for favours because they think that they're closer to god (stupidness)

    taxi 7ebsa//the taxi is stopped
    taxi 7ebsa//the taxi is stopped
    taxi 7ebsa wel kemiya keyna//and it's full of people
    taxi khalsa //the taxi is payed
    taxi khalsa//the taxi is payed
    taksi khalsa ya fiha lil marsa//the taxi is payed and going to marsa

    ya ray7a lberiz //oh the one going to paris
    ya ray7a lberiz //oh the one going to paris
    ya ray7a lberiz la passpor la kelice//oh the one going to paris with no pasport nor a car

    ya jaya min beriz//oh the one coming from paris
    ya jeya min beriz//oh the one coming from paris
    ya jeya min beriz//oh the one coming from paris
    .................................................. .....................valice(sorry couldn't figure out but valice means bags)

    sorry to be late ,i did my best
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  15. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    Thanks a lot,Larosa!
    God Bless You!
  16. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    yes,one importante thing,about jileni,i dont know much about egyptian religion,
    But in any case,please dont call it stupidity.
  17. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    it is stupid indeed
    and there is not such thing called egyptian religion there is "islam"
    and it's superstitious
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me