Amir Mounib – Allah 3alek [*] & Get 3ala bali [*]

Thread: Amir Mounib – Allah 3alek [*] & Get 3ala bali [*]

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  1. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:

    Default Amir Mounib – Allah 3alek [*] & Get 3ala bali [*]

    i think this song is among the most beautiful songs of this singer ... i hope you like it

    عامر منيب – الله عليك
    Amir mounib – allah 3alek (God bless you)

    انا من الليلة دي العمر كله هعيشه ليك
    Ana min el=lela di el-3oumr kolo ha3esho lik
    From this night ,I will live all my rest life for you

    وحقدر اعمل اي حاجة عشان عينيك
    W 7a2dar a3mil ae 7aga 3ashan 3enek
    And I can do anything for your eyes

    قرب عيوني بشوق يا غالي بتناديك
    Arrab 3eouni b shou2 ya ghali btnadik
    Come close to me ,my eyes calling you with eagerness

    انا مستحيل اعيش حياتي الا بيك
    Ana mosta7eel a3esh 7aeate ella bik
    Its impossible to live my life without you

    طول منت جمبي احتاج لأيه
    Tol manta gambit a7tag li eh
    Whenever you are near to me ,I will not need anything else

    بتقولي احلم تاني ليه
    Bit2ouli a7lam tani leh
    Why you are asking me to dream again?

    انا كل حاجة حلمت بيها لقيتها بيك
    Ana kol 7aga 7limt biha la2et-ha bik
    All that I was dreaming of ,I found them in you

    نظرة عيونك رقتك لمسة ايديك
    Nazrit 3eounak ri22itak lamsit edek
    Your eye looking ,your gentleness ,and your hand’s touching

    خوفك علية ولهفتك الله عليك
    Khofak 3alaia w lahfitak allah 3alek
    Your fearing on me ,your eagerness ,God bless you

    لو كان بأيدي ياريت اعيش عمرين معاك
    Law kan bi ede yaret a3ish 3omrin ma3ak
    If it was on my hand ,I hope I live 2 lifes with you

    دا مش كفاية في عمري بس اعيش هواك
    Da mosh kifaya fi 3oumri bas a3esh hawak
    Its not enough to live one life for your love

    والدنيا ايه غير ضحكتك لية ورضاك
    W el-donia eh gher da7kitak lea w ridak
    And whats the life without your smile? And your approval

    غير اني احس بلهفتك لحظة لقاك
    Gher inni a7s bi lahfitak la7zat lou2ak
    And without I feel your eagerness when I meet you

    طول منت جمبي احتاج لأيه
    Tol manta gambit a7tag li eh
    Whenever you are near to me ,I will not need anything else

    بتقولي احلم تاني ليه
    Bit2ouli a7lam tani leh
    Why you are asking me to dream again?

    انا كل حاجة حلمت بيها لقيتها بيك
    Ana kol 7aga 7limt biha la2et-ha bik
    All that I was dreaming of ,I found them in you

    نظرة عيونك رقتك لمسة ايديك
    Nazrit 3eounak ri22itak lamsit edek
    Your eye looking ,your gentleness ,and your hand’s touching

    خوفك علية ولهفتك الله عليك
    Khofak 3alaia w lahfitak allah 3alek
    Your fearing on me ,your eagerness ,God bless you

    NOTE : the video clip created by me
  2. Inconsolable89's Avatar

    Inconsolable89 said:


    beautiful words.
  3. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    if you listen to the song it will be more beautiful ... ,i gave it in the link
  4. creak's Avatar

    creak said:


    nice song thankss...

  5. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    hellooooo creak ... nice to see you here again ... long absence ...
  6. al_habibi's Avatar

    al_habibi said:


    nice song...nice lyrics...
    but wat is this?!
    aishwarya rai!??![:O]
  7. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    yes its aishwarya rai
  8. jadedarknight's Avatar

    jadedarknight said:

    Red face translation

    hiii!great song, great translation and great video.aishw is so beautiful!
    i wonder, could you please translate Geet 3la Bali from Amer Mounib, for me, pleaseee?i couldn't find lyrics

  9. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    you are welcome ... and here is the song ( get 3ala bali - 3amir mounib)

    جيت على بالى كدا من كام يوم
    Get 3ala bali kida mn kam yom
    You came on my mind few days ago

    قلت اما اسأل فينك
    Oult ama as2al fenak
    I said that I should ask where are you now

    وكلام بينى وبينك
    W kalam beni w benak
    And by the way (speech between me and you)

    ماقدرش انسى ايامى معاك
    Ma2darsh ansa ayami ma3ak
    I cannot forget our days

    وبتوحشنى عينيك
    W bto7ashni 3enek
    And I’m missing your eyes

    سلملى على عينيك الاتنين
    Salimli 3ala 3eneki el-itnen
    Send my regards to both of your eyes

    دا لحد مانتقابل
    Da l7ad ma nt2abil
    Until we will meet

    مهما الواحد قابل
    Mahmal wa7d 2abil
    However the one met (new people)

    عمره ماينسى اعز الناس
    3omro ma ynsa a3z el nas
    He will not be able to forget the most precious one

    لأ ماتقولش ناسيك
    La2 mat2olsh nasik
    No ,don’t say that you forgot me

    ياااه دا انا دايما اقول ياحبيبى ياريتنى معاك
    Yaah ,dana daeman a2oul ya 7abibi yaretni ma3ak
    I always hope to be with you

    وانا لو مشغول ماقدرش ف يوم انساك
    Wana law mashghol ma2darsh f yom ansak
    And even if I’m busy ,I cannot forget you one day

    بس الايام وخدانى زى ماوخداك
    Bas al-ayam wakhdani zay ma wakhdak
    But the days (the life) is taking me ,as it is taking you (making us busy)

    جيت على بالى ياحبيبى كتير مش مرة ولا التانية
    Get 3ala bali ya 7abibi ktir mish mara wala el Tania
    You came on my mind frequently ,not once nor two times

    لو غمضت عينيا بلاقينى برجع بالايام ولحكايتنا زمان
    Law ghamadt 3enaia bala2eni barga3 bil ayam w l 7ikayatna zaman
    When I’m closing my eyes ,I just remember our previous days and our story

    قلت الله يمسيك بالخير ايامك وحشانى آه لو ترجع تانى
    Oult allah ymasek bil kher ayamak wa7shani ah law trga3 tani
    I said to you good evening ,I miss your days ,oh if you come back to me again

    ده انا دلوقتى بقول ياسلام لو يجمعنا مكان
    Da ana dilwa2ti ba2oul ya salam law ygma3na makan
    I’m now hoping if a place could gather us
  10. jadedarknight's Avatar

    jadedarknight said:


    thxxx sooomuch ams298 =)))))
  11. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    you are welcome