Andy - Chi Mishod Age Mishod

Thread: Andy - Chi Mishod Age Mishod

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  1. hamuda22 said:

    Default Andy - Chi Mishod Age Mishod


    I feel in love with this persian guy that deicated to me this song by andy,chi mishod and he wants me to google it or find out on my own what the lrics mean....plsssss if anyone can translate this song for me...I would greatly appreciate it

    Thank You
    Last edited by afsaneh; 09-01-2012 at 06:47 AM. Reason: Thread titles should contain song and artist name
  2. Jamshed said:


    Oooo Lavender!!! Thank you soooooo much for the lyrics. Thank you also for advise re "eltemas"... While the lyrics you provided is so great and beautifyl, I'm afraid we are talking about different songs. The one I requested (by Andy) really goes "Chi Mishod". It is actually one of Andy's earliest and most famous songs. I understand parts of it:

    chi mishod, age mishod - what would have happened
    ye ruzi ashegham beshi - if you fell in love with me one day
    arezooham mimiran - my dreams will die
    age to male man nashi - if you don't become mine

    You think my understanding and translation is ok? It took me hours of listening to separate words from one another coz I just recently started my Farsi.

    Ama zabanetun kheyli ghashang ast!!!

    I guess I also understand some bits of the "Ye Negah"...
    Ye negahe to baram mojdeye eshgh avorde... WOW... How beautiful... Would be so great if you could get this one too... Thanks in advance, friend!

  3. Jamshed said:


    And sorry, I just realized the typo in my first post - of course it is Chi Mishod, not Chi Misho...
  4. lavender.arj's Avatar

    lavender.arj said:


    wow that song is too old and sorry for mis undrestanding
    i dont have it but i try to download it right now
  5. Jamshed said:


    Any more help, please?
    Lotfaaaaaaaan :-)
  6. lavender.arj's Avatar

    lavender.arj said:


    im so sorry for being late...

    عشق من تموم آرزوی من چی می شد یکبار نگاه کنی تو چشام
    my love,you are all my wishes,what if u look into my eyes
    آخه چشمام میتونن بهت بگن که من از تو جز تو چیزی نمیخوام
    because its just my eyes that can tell u that i dont ask for any thing else except of yourself,from your eyes

    هر کسی تو چشم من خیره بشه غم تنهاییم رو باور میکنه
    each person that looks at my eyes ,believes my loneliness'es sorrow
    آرزومه که یه روز چشم من تو رو با من آشنا تر بکنه
    i wish that some day my eyes make you tobe closer than this
    اگه تو یه روزی مال من بشی میرسم به قله ی آرزوهام
    if u were mine i could reach to my wishes (my wish's climax)
    به خدا اگه تو مال من بشی دیگه من از خدا هیچی نمیخوام
    i swear that if you were mine i dont ask God for any thing else

    چی می شد اگه می شد یه روزی عاشقم بشی
    what if it were possible for you to fall in love with me
    آرزوهام میمیرن اگه تو مال من نشی
    my wishes will die if u wont become mine

    چی می شد اگه می شد یه روزی عاشقم بشی
    what if it were possible for you to fall in love with me
    به خدا من میمیرم اگه تو مال من نشی
    i swear to God that if u dont become mine i will die
    وقت دیدار دلم رو به زیر پاهات میزارم
    when i visit you i place my heart under ur feet(means that i let you do any thing u want, to it)
    نمیدونی که چقدر می خوام بگم دوستت دارم
    you dont know that how much i like to tell you that i love u
    وقتی لبخند میزنی وجودم رو آب میکنی
    when you smile you make me die
    وقتی از خودت میگی بدی ها رو خواب میکنی
    when you talk about your self you make badness to sleep(means it becomes unconscious)
    چی می شد اگه می شد یه روزی عاشقم بشی
    what if it were possible for you to fall in love with me
    آرزوهام میمیرن اگه تو مال من نشی
    my wishes will die if u wont become mine

    چی می شد اگه می شد یه روزی عاشقم بشی
    what if it were possible for you to fall in love with me
    به خدا من میمیرم اگه تو مال من نشی
    i swear to God that if u dont become mine i will die

    عشق من تموم آرزوی من چی می شد یکبار نگاه کنی تو چشام
    my love,you are all my wishes,what if u look into my eyes
    آخه چشمام میتونن بهت بگن که من از تو جز تو چیزی نمیخوام
    because its just my eyes that can tell u that i dont ask for any thing else except of yourself,from your eyes
    اگه تو یه روزی مال من بشی میرسم به قله ی آرزوهام
    if u were mine i could reach to my wishes (my wish's climax)
    به خدا اگه تو مال من بشی دیگه من از خدا هیچی نمیخوام
    i swear that if you were mine i dont ask God for any thing else
    چی می شد اگه می شد یه روزی عاشقم بشی
    what if it were possible for you to fall in love with me
    آرزوهام میمیرن اگه تو مال من نشی
    my wishes will die if u wont become mine

    and if you have any questions about farsi,you can ask me whenever you want to
  7. fairy's Avatar

    fairy said:


    my love all my dream , could u just to look into my eyes
    cuz my eyes can tell u , that i dont want anything from u than yourself
    anyone who looks into my eyes can see the pain of loneliness
    its my dream that my eyes can make me close to u
    if you become mine one day then my dream will come true
    i swear to god if u become mine , then i wouldnt ask god anything else
    what if , jsut one day u fall in love with me my dreams will die if that day doesnt come true

    what if , jsut one day u fall in love with me i will die if u dont become mine
    u dont no how mcuh i wanna say i love you
    when u smile i melt ...