Ok guys, here is another Swiss German phrase I need help translated

Thread: Ok guys, here is another Swiss German phrase I need help translated

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  1. Melkyas's Avatar

    Melkyas said:

    Default Ok guys, here is another Swiss German phrase I need help translated

    The first word is: Fründe

    and the rest is: hat dir eine Nachricht gesendet.

    Can anyone help?
    Last edited by Melkyas; 02-09-2009 at 05:15 PM.
  2. Melkyas's Avatar

    Melkyas said:


    Ok, I figured out the long part on my own. One question, does "Fründe" mean "Friends?"
    Last edited by Melkyas; 02-09-2009 at 05:41 PM. Reason: mispelled word
  3. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    Yea, Fründe means Freunde/friends as far as I can tell. However the rest of the sentence doesn't fit at all.

    It'd make sense if Fründe was a name. (it's a surname sometimes..)

    He/she has sent you a message.